Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

DOI Heft:
Nr. 143 (February 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Van der Veer, Lenore: Art student life in Munich
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Munich Students

sit for a long time, and he
stopped and inquired how
things were going. Then
he cut short the tale of woe
by putting his hand into
his pocket and hauling out
a palmful of silver, which
he gave her, with the
hope that she would have
better luck in the future.

The Munich art student,
apart from his own atelier,
knows scarce anything that
goes on in the whole of
the Academy. He never
thinks of crossing the

threshold separating one

study from nature Kv fraulein lommel class from another except

have sat in the famous ateliers of
Munich for three-quarters of a
century, mothers with babies in
their arms and small toddlers
clutching at their skirts, splen-
didly-built young fellows and
pretty girls whose stock-in-trade
all lies in their fine figures and
attractive heads. A motley crew
in bright colours and in sombre,
standing out in picturesque dis-
order against the stone pillars
and the long line of sculptured
figures down the corridors.

The gossip of some of the old
models is a whole technique of
art criticism. They have all the
peculiarities of every well-known
artist quite at their own finger-
tips. All the little tricks and
fads of his special working are
known to them, and any eccen-
tricity of his is made a butt for
their own and their listeners'
amusement. Lenbach was very
popular among the models, as he
always paid them special rates
for sitting, often giving ten marks
for an afternoon's pose, while the
regulation fee is sixty pfennigs an
hour. One old woman at the
Academy relates how she once
met Lenbach in the street after
she had been ill and unable to


by fraulein lommel
