Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

DOI Heft:
Nr. 143 (February 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Singer, Hans Wolfgang: The work of Otto Fischer
DOI Artikel:
Some recent designs for domestic architecture
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Designs for Domestic Architecture



We have had from Glasgow so much that
is satisfactory and enlivening in painting and the
Applied Arts that it is with peculiar interest that
we hail any opportunity of seeing whether the
Northern architects have kept pace with the
painters and decorators who have made the name
of Glasgow a household word in the studios of the
South. Some hint of what Glasgow architects are
doing may be gained from the accompanying views
of the interior of the new Marine Hotel at Troon,
which stands in an eminently picturesque situation,
and commands a magnificent view extending from
Ailsa Craig and Arran* to beyond the Ayrshire
Hills. The main approach to the entrance
is by a private drive through the four acres
of ground surrounding the house. Entering
the building by the great arched doorway, one
comes at once upon one of its most satisfactory
features, namely, the large hall, plainly treated in
oak, from which a very sincerely treated staircase
gives access to the rooms above. It will be seen

weather-vane to house at streatham
designed by a. jessop hardwick
executed by the guild of handicraft
campden, gloucestershire

it will have thickened to an impenetrable sheet.
Upon another drawing the angry storm-clouds
that are enveloping the " Schneekoppe," and
which a furious blast will in another minute
hurl upon us, are admirably suggested with spare
means. And again we see the cold elegance of
endless snowfields stretching unbrokenly for miles,
and enlivened only by patches of sunlight that
have made their way through the restless, tumbling
clouds; or there are lonely expanses of green
pasture lying in the quiet of a summer sun, bright,
but not glaring, in the rarefied atmosphere of these

This is all work in which true genius has con-
verted natural values into art values with unerring
instinct. We get all the peculiar characteristics
that distinguish the Riesengebirge from other
localities in the world ; but where an ordinary mortal
and a pretty talent can only translate them into a
language of sober prose, the eye and hand of Otto
Fischer offer them in the heroic vernacular of the

weather-vane to stables at

artist-visionary. wolves newton, Monmouthshire

tt , w „ designed BY a. jessop hardwick

-tlANS W. blNGER. executed BY g. wragge
