Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

DOI Heft:
Nr. 146 (May 1905)
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Studio- Talk


sending her silvery beams
over the old courtyard,
and the trees are illu-
mined by them and stand
out from their shadows.
Alexander D. Goltz was
very successful in his
Gebirgsbotin, as also were
Eduard Amesederand Adolf
Luntz (Karlsruhe) in their
landscapes. Victor Stretti
in Nach dem 1 Regen has
depicted a well-known
street in Prague, where the
old buildings have made
place for the new. The
rain has left behind it a
cold, damp mist, which is
only relieved by the
lamplights; it is a very
realistic picture, and
causes a longing for the
fireside. Rudolf Junk
had a series of such
studies, reminding one of
mist, drizzle, and rain,
and seems in his element
in such motives. Josza
Uprka in Die Herr-
schaftlichen presented a
number of field labourers,
men and women, in
their picturesque Slovac
costumes. The bright
"nach dem regen" by victor stretti colour of the costumes, of

which red is the prevailing
tone, is relieved by the
bush-covered hills in the

Es hat die Rose sick beklagt, represented by ten distance. Antonin . Hudecek in his land-
nude female figures in various attitudes, listening scapes Summer, A Village, etc., gave a delight-
to the Rose relating her woes. There is much to ful display of colour, chiefly green toned by
remind one of Japanese art in this work. His the blue of the heavens. Victor Beranek's
Portrait Study is at the same time dainty and decor- Nachkla?ig was a nocturne in white, very
ative. A bright touch of colour is given by the finely conceived, and a picture not easily
deep pink rhododendron. Ludwig Ferdinand forgotten. Emanuel Vidovic (Spalato) depicted
Graf, in his Portrait of a Lady, again offered the hours of longing. The evening red, the
something new and daring. He is continually shepherd's delight, is playing over the waters of
seeking new effects, and his work is always interest- the harbour and relieving the objects in the
ing. Fraulein Irma Dutczynska's The Sisters is a water, a stillness is over all, a longing for
fine picture, full of thought and feeling, and shows that which lies behind. A very young artist,
great advance on the young artist's previous Rudolf Kriser, who exhibited for the first time,
exhibits. Hans Ranzoni's Alter Hof in Eger is showed much decorative talent and fantasy
another bit of the delightful old historical city of composition in Die Kranke Fiirstin. The
which the artist loves to paint. The moon is elderly invalid princess in her greyish - white
