Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The Odeum—Fragments of Inscriptions—Turkish Ceremonial at Smyrna—
Letters of Antoninus Pius—Publius Vedius Antoninus—Sulpicius Julianus
—Letter of Hadrian—The Marble Puzzle—Mode of Working—Search
for the Temple—Smyrna and Aidin Railway—St. Paul Fighting with
Beasts at Ephesus —Marble Statue—Idleness of Workmen—Female
Head—Bishop Trower—Greeks from Kirkenjee—Lucius Verus—The
Auditorium—Suspension of Works—Excavations Recommenced—Works
Continued—Statue of the Muse Erato—Torso of Silcnus—Wreck of
Antiquities—Odeum Described—H.R.H. Prince Arthur—Want of Funds
—Attempted Assassination—The Chalet—Robbers—St. Luke's Tomb—
Christian Graves—Greek Archbishop — St. Luke—Mausoleum—Baffled
Efforts—Wool-factors' Hall—Search for Temple—Basilica—Pronuncia-
tion of Latin—Shops—St. Luke's Church—Caricature—Fine Greek Wall
— Promising Excavations—Destruction by Visitors—Visitors to the Ruins
—Luncheon versus Antiquities—Loss of Plant—Store Unroofed—Starva-
tion—Vexatious Stoppage of the Works—Turkish Visit of Inspection.

With my grant of 100/. I commenced work at the
Odeum about the middle of March ] 864, Avith as large a
gang of workmen as my funds would allow. I engaged
a Greek named Spiro as ganger to superintend the work-
men in my absence, as I was at that time practising as an
architect in Smyrna, and could not, therefore, go out to
Ephesus every day of the week.

The sum of 100/. is not a large one for excavations ;
but it was all I had asked for by way of a beginning,
and it fortunately proved sufficient for discoveries in the