Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Browne, Edward
A Brief Account Of Some Travels In divers Parts of Europe, Viz. [Sp.1:] Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, [Sp.2:] Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli: Through a great part of Germany, And The Low-Countries ... ; With some Observations on the Gold, Silver ... in those Parts ; As also, The Description of many Antiquities, Habits, Fortifications and Remarkable Places — London: Tooke, 1685

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LARISSA is the chief City of Thefialy, seated by the River
Peneus, the chief River of that Country* Upon the North
it hath the Famous Mountain Olympus, and on the South a
Plain Country. It is now inhabited by Cbriftians, Turks and
Jews; hath fair Bezeftens , divers Turkifh Mofibea’s, and Christian
Churches in it. It is plealantly seated, and upon a rising ground : on
the upper part whereof Rands the Palace of the Grand Seignior, which
he hath made use of during his residence in this place : it is contrived
with jetting large Windows, on four sidcs, near which he took his re-
paR, and pass-time, according as the Wind served, or afsorded the beR
It is also an Arch-BiRiop’s See, having divers Suffragan Bifliops under
it. The Reverend Father Dionyjius was then Arch-bishop. The Church
os St. Achilleus is the Cathedral, where I heard Divine Service, the
Arch-bishop being present, and Banding in his Throne in his Episcopal
habit, and his Crosier in his hand; when three or four of us Strangers
came into the Church, he sent one to fume us with Incense and Iweet
The Grand Seignior kept his Court in this place forsome years, in or-
der to his Adairs in Candia, and for the great convenience of Hunting
and Hawking, wherein he exceedingly delights. When I came away,
it was said, that he would go to Negroponte; but he remained at La-
rifia some months after, until he removed to Salonicbi, and asterwards
to Adrianople.
In the hot and dry Summer 1669. the Grand Seignior passed above
two months of that Season upon the Neighbouring Mount Olympus,
partly that he might have a large Prospedi over the Plains, and apart
of the AEgaan Sea, and partly to enjoy frelh Air, and be removed from
the choaking heat of the Valleys; but this humour proved deRrudtive
to somehundreds of those, which attended him; for it became so cold