Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Browne, Edward
A Brief Account Of Some Travels In divers Parts of Europe, Viz. [Sp.1:] Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, [Sp.2:] Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli: Through a great part of Germany, And The Low-Countries ... ; With some Observations on the Gold, Silver ... in those Parts ; As also, The Description of many Antiquities, Habits, Fortifications and Remarkable Places — London: Tooke, 1685

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A Catalogue of fome Books-printed for BENJAA1IN
T O O K E at the Ship in St. Paul’s Chur ch-yard.

Eroftoti Haltcarnaflai Hiftoria-1
rum Libri p.Gr. Lat.
Erancisci Suarez. Tractatus de Legibus,
ac Deo Legiflatore.
The Works of the most Reverend
Father in God, John Bramhall D. D.
late Lord Arch-Bishop os Armagh,
Primate and Metropolitan of all i
Ireland. With his Lise.
Waljh’s History of the Irijh Remon-'
A Collection of all the Statutes now
in force in the Kingdom os Ireland. j
Sir Richard Baker s Chronicle os the ei
Kings of England.
Bishop Sanderfons Sermons.
Sir Hum. Winch's Book of Entries.
Sksnneri Etymologicon Lingua Anglican#.
AL. T. Ciceronis Opera omnia, cum de-
cern Indicibus. 2. Doi.
Heylyri’s, Cosmography, in 4. Books.
Adatth. Paris Hiftoria Anglia.
Dr. NalRon’s Impartial Collections ;
from the beginning of the late Re-
bellion to the murther of K. Charles,
the I. 2. Doi. I
Heraclitus Ridens, or a Dialogue be-
tween jest and Earnest concerning
the times, compleax or any os them
Ojy a rTo.
Eparation os Churches from Epis-
copal Government, as practised
by the present Nonconformists , I
Schismatical.By Henry Dodwel AL. A.
Dumoulin s Vindication of the Prote-
stant Religion.
Phocena, or the Anatomy of a Porpess
di sseeted at Grefham-CcAiege.
The True Widow,a Comedy. By Tho.
The Beauty of Unity, in a Sermon
preached at Prefton\>y Rich. Wroe.
B. D. Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of
C heft er.
The Vanity os the Dissenters Plea sir
their Separation. A Sermon preach-
ed before the King at Windsor. By
Rob. C hr eight on D. D.
Of Perjury, a Sermon preached tr. the
Assixes at Chefter. By John Allen
AL. A. Fellow os Trinity College
in Cambridge, and Chaplain to the
Lord Bishop os Chefter.
A Sermon preached before the Hon.

House of Commons, Nov. 5. 1680.
By Henry Dove D. D. Chaplain in
ordinary to his Majesty.
A Sermon preached besore the Lord
Mayor ot the City of London on the
Feat of St. Michael. By Henry Done
D. D. Chaplain in ordinary to his
A Sermon preached besore the King
at White-hall,Jan.2-5.168^ being the
seast of St. Paul’s Conversion. By
Henry Dove D. D. Chaplain in or-
dinary to his Majesty. Published by
his lateMajesty’s special command.
The present miseries and misehiefs os
sin, diseoursed in a Sermon before
the Lord Mayor of London. By Rob-
bert Wenfely, Vicar os Cheftlunt'.
A diseourse concerning the Devotions
of the Church of Rome, especially
as compared with those os the
Church of England.
Oratio Anniverfaria habita in Theatro
Coll. Aded. Lond. a Georgio Rogers,
ejufdem Collegi Socio.
A Collection of Cases and other Dis-
courses lately written to recover
Dissenters to the Communion of the
Church of England. By some Di-
vines of the City os London. In two
Caufa DDeris Epitaphium. Accedit Cauf-
fa Dtus conclamata.
Concaium Cappo-cloacorum, or a view
in little of the great Wit and Hone-
Ur contained under a brace of Caps.
A Smmon preached at the Funeral of
sir Roger SBradstaigh Knight and
Baronet. By Richard Wroe B. D.
A Sermon preached before the King at
Winchefter, Sept. 9.. 1683. By Fran-
cis Turner D. D. Dean of Windfor.
\ Sermon preached before Sir Hen-
ry Tulfe Lord Mayor os the City os
London,^ the Court os Aider men,
at St. Bridgets, on Eafter ALunday
1684. By Francis Lord Bishop of
Rochefter & Almoner to his Majesty.
A Sermon preached before the King
at Whitehall, Lfov. 5. 1684. By
Francis Lord Bilhop of Ely and Al-
moner to his Majesty.
The New Testament in the drist
Tongue and Character.
The Works of the Reverend and
Learned Mr.< John Gregory M. N