Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Browne, Edward
A Brief Account Of Some Travels In divers Parts of Europe, Viz. [Sp.1:] Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, [Sp.2:] Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli: Through a great part of Germany, And The Low-Countries ... ; With some Observations on the Gold, Silver ... in those Parts ; As also, The Description of many Antiquities, Habits, Fortifications and Remarkable Places — London: Tooke, 1685

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A Journey from Vienna into Styria, Carinthia,Carniola,Friuli. 8 y
It is said by Ilinie Curfus Savi I yo. mille pasftuum, that the course
of the Savus is an hundred and fisty miles, which if accounted from
the head is much too short, and not much more then half the measure
That the River Savus runs into the Drwuus, seems affirmed by
Strabo, Vicinus Nauporto flurviu* e(l Corcoras qui merces accipit, hie in
Savum influit, Savus in Dravum, that is, Not far from Nauportus is the
River Corcoras or the Gurk which receives the Merchandises, this runs
into the Savus, and the Savus into the Dr anus, whereas the Sawus
never runneth into the Drauus, and when it enters the Danube at Bel
grade is about an hundred miles from it.
The difiance which Strabo makes between Aquileia and Nauportus
or Labach of four hundred furlongs or fifty miles, though somewhat
too short, may be fairly tolerated, but what he delivers of the space
between Tergejtum or Triefte, and the Danube not to be made out. Iter
a Tergefto art Danubium, Stad iorum cir citer mille due ent a, that the 7,
journey from Trie fie to the Danube was about one thousand and two
hundred furlongs, or an hundred and fifty miles, which is too short a
measure unto the nearefi part of the Danube, which will make about
two hundred and fifty miles ; but the Ancients might easily err here¬
in, sines some of them were mifiaken in the true course of the Danube,
which they conceived to have one branch to run into the Adriatick
I went this Journey when the Sun was in Cancer, in the hottesPtime
of the year, and the heat was very often sive to me in the great Plains
of Friuli, and Auftria ; but in the Alpes it was much more moderate,
and the Country was all green, and pleasant; when on the contrary
all the Grass in Auftria was burned up by the Sun, and if there were
not a continual breeze about the middle of the day upon all great
Plains, especially in Southern Countries,the heat would be intolerable;
and I could not but take notice how pleasan tly the poor Peasantsin the
Alpine Countries divertised themselves in the Fields, and after their la-
bour would be lively and brisk, sometimes play at Cards, with Cards
of a span long, such as they have in those Countries, while the rich
Country-men in Aujlna were faint and gasping for breath, nor did it
any thing avail them that Auftria was more Northern then Styria or
Carinthia, for there may be as much difference as to the temperature of
the Air, and as to heat and cold in one mile, as in ten degrees of Lati¬
tude, and he that would cool and refresh himself in the Summer, had
better go up to the top of the next Hill, than remove into a far more
Northern Country. I have been ready to freeze on the top of a Hill,
and in an hours time after have susiered as great .inconvenience from
the heat of the Valley ; at the rising of the Sun I have been upon a
Hill with a clear sky, and good weather, and have seen a Valley in-
compassed with Mountains and covered all over with Clouds much be-
low us, the Sun shining upon the upper part of the Clouds made them
appear like fine Down or Wooll, and made the softest sweetest lights
and ihadows imaginable ; afterwards when w7e deseended into this
Valley under the Clouds we had no such pleasant Prosped:, but were
rained upon the most part of the day. In that hot Country of Arabia
Travellers complain mofi of the cold they suffer in passing the Hills.
The Mountains in Italy and Spain are some of them covered with Snow
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