Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Browne, Edward
A Brief Account Of Some Travels In divers Parts of Europe, Viz. [Sp.1:] Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, [Sp.2:] Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli: Through a great part of Germany, And The Low-Countries ... ; With some Observations on the Gold, Silver ... in those Parts ; As also, The Description of many Antiquities, Habits, Fortifications and Remarkable Places — London: Tooke, 1685

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A Journey from Venice to Geno3,

To see o^e of those spruce Dames lay it on
Like any right bred raging Amazon,
You’d think your self near to fierce Thermodo*.
Credas ad Tanaim serumq\ Phastm
Thermodontiacas calere turbas*


And that they generally fought after the mariner of the Samnites
we may learn from Juvenal, where he takes notice, what a fine Cre-
dit it would be for a man to cry out at a publick Sale of his Wives
Goods; who gives most for my Wives Boots ? who bids Money for
her Corselet, Helmet, Gauntlets ?
Quale decus, rerum ft conjugis audio siat,
Baltheusfi) Manic a, & Crist a, Crurisq>, finiFlri
Vimidium tegmen ?
But Domitian the Emperor went Hill beyond this, when he set his
Gladiators together in the night, and made his Dwarfs fight, those lit-
tle Pygmcean Creatures • But we need say no more of them, for it may
be thought by some that
Whether they slew, or whether they were Hain
They’d both make but one Morse^ for a Crane.
And indeed it is high time to leave this omnium Dcemonum templum,
as Tertullian calls it altogether, and pass forward to mOie pieasing
objects. Parting therefore from Verona in the Morning, we travelled
through a delightful plain Country 24 Miles, and came early in the
Afternoon to Mantua.
Mantua is pleasantly seated in a T^ke like to the Description of the 3^*
situationof the great City Mexico, This ^Lake of about five Miles
long, is made by the opening of the River Mincius, or Mentzo, a de-
lightful stream, which runs ilowly, spreads it self wide, and bears its
name high amongll the noted Floods of this Region.
Frondentilus humida ripis
Colla levantpulcher Ticinus,& Addua vistu
Coer ulus, & velox At hefts, tardusq-, meatu
Mincius. Mim.

And again 4
Volucres quas excipit amne quiet 0
This River runs into the To, and rises out of the Lacus Benacus, and
is so full os Reeds in many places, especially near Mantua, that I can-
not omit VirgiPs proper elegant way of mentioning his own Country
