Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu [Hrsg.]
Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses: Annales Musei Archaeologici Posnaniensis — 48.2012

DOI Heft:
Stróżyk, Mateusz: Archeologiczna aplikacja wirtualnej rzeczywistości w oparciu o systemy CAD/GIS. Historia, etyka i funkcje
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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Archaeological application of yirtual
reality based on CAD/GIS systems. His-
tory, ethics and functions


Virtual reconstruction belongs to the broader issue of Visu-
al Heritage. It is a term referring to all activities related to the
protection and study of cultural heritage and its presentation
to the public, using computerized instrumentation. Application
of Virtual Heritage uses interactive features of virtual reality.
Students or visitors of the museum can see the Computer recon-
struction of historical places that no longer exist or their State of
preservation makes it impossible to visit.

A review of Polish archaeological literaturę suggests that over
time the reconstruction began to be badly received by the sci-
entific community. There are two primary factors causing mar-
ginalization of virtual reconstruction: departure from the profes-
sionalism and integrity and the risk of false image of the past.

Development of Computer technology opened up new possi-
bilities. Progress in new software has been focused on enabling
3D spatial modelling. Combination of CAD (Computer Aided
Design) and GIS (Geographic Information System) systems ena-
bles the re-creation of a three-dimensional projection, in which
the spatial relationships between objects are preserved. The man
sees the world in three dimensions, so the process of creating
three-dimensional model, similar to the reality, often leads to
additional discoveries which can increase our knowledge or
change understanding about the specific issue. The CAD/GIS
software, in contrast to typical graphics programs, is not only
for a visual effect. CAD/GIS systems accurately enter Informa-
tion into the Computer space. The use of CAD/GIS in archeol-
ogy helps to carry out various types of spatial analysis as: kin-
ematic, geometrie, perceptual and many others.

Nowadays, the virtual reconstruction does not have to in-
volve considerable time, effort or money. Computerization,
without causing damage to the original materiał, allows to
create a model and even tracę the process of its creation. The
model in the digital version is morę flexible, in contrast to the
traditional reconstruction, accumulation of knowledge can be
enriched with new information. Virtual reconstruction, besides
providing a lot of information, is morę accessible to the ordi-
nary man. Reconstruction of historie buildings can meet vari-
ous social functions as: religion, education, culture, historical
identity, conservation and research. This is one ofthe main ways
to stimulate public interest in archeology.