Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg; Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat
Katalog (Nr. 261): Incunabula: a fifteenth century monastic library : two hundred twenty seven books printed in the 15th century comprising all departments of science of the Middle Ages — Vienna: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1938

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Swiss Francs
55 GERARDUS DE ZUTPHANIA. Eyn Tractat von den geystlichen Uffstigungen (Trac-
tatulus de spiritualibus ascensionibus, in German). N. p. d. (Ulm, Joh. Zainer, ab.
1490). 8 vo. Goth. 8 unn., 152 num. 11. Old blind stamped calf over wooden boards,
back broken. 600.—
H.* 16299 (the last number of Hain‘s Repertor.). Proct. 1941 (Augsb. Miscellaneous). BMC. II, 531.
The only German edition. The work represents a mystic system of the Christian moral.
Our copy has been bound up with:
Regula S. Benedict i, in German. A very legible MS. of the 15 th century, written in
black and red on paper. 107 11., 8 vo, of which the first and last are blank. This MS. contains on
I. 68 sequ. „Von maeB de spyse“ and ,,Van der maeBe des dranckes“. A small hole in leaves 49—50.
A clean copy with full margins in its old binding.
No copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census). No copy has been on market for more than ten years.
56 MAXIMILIAN I. — Antwurt zur handdthabung u. behaltnuss der Rom. kiinigklichenn
Maiestat eeren u. glympfens auf der frantzosen falsch erticht... in nachvolgende
henndeln. (Augsburg, Ratdolt, nicht vor Mai 1492). Kl.-Fol. Got. 8 Bll. Mit 2
Holzschnittinitialen. Hspgmt. 200.—
Hain 10932. Proct. 2739 a. Sehr seltene STREITSCHRIFT MAXIMILIANS I. anlafilich der Fehde mit
Frankreich nach seiner Vermahlung dutch Prokuration mit Anne de Bretagne im Jahre 1490. Infolge
dieser Heirat besetzten die Franzosen die Bretagne und schlossen Anne in Nantes ein, bis sie ein-
willigte Karl VIII. von Frankreich zu heiraten. Dieser ,,Brautraub“ war der AnlaB zu kriegerischen
Konflikten, die erst dutch den Frieden von Senlis im Mai 1493 beendet wurden. Die Schrift wurde in
Mecheln verfaBt. — Sehr schbnes breitrand. Expl. Unbedeutende Wurmspuren.
57 Reformation der Stadt Niirnberg. N. p. (Augsburg, Hans Schonsperger), 1488. Fol.
Goth., 2 cols., 108 unn. 11., the first and last blank used as a lining-paper. With a
beautiful full-page cut, representing S. Sebaldus and S. Laurentius and three coats
of arms, carefully coloured by a contemporary hand. Original binding of wooden
boards covered with blind-stamped leather. 400-—
Hain (not seen) -Cop. 13717. Proct. 1772. BMC. II, 367. Schreiber V, 5052. Panzer, Deutsche
Annalen I, 173, 259.
The code contains interesting laws referring to trade, buying and selling, usury, &
to hygiene and physicians. At the end there are forms of the oath for the Jews
with a transcription of the Hebrew words into German letters and with
A fine copy somewhat stained in a few places. Only one copy in U., S. A. (acc. to Census).

58 FORESTI, J. PH. Suppiementum Chronicarum orbis ab initio mundi usque ad an-
num 1482. Venice, Bernard. Benalius, 1486. Fol. Goth. 59 lines, 274 num. 11. With
a fine large woodcut of the Creation on first page, two other
beautiful half-page outline cuts and numerous fine smaller
woodcuts of views of cities, etc., besides many fine large ornamental
capitals. Vellum. 200.—
H.*-C. 2807. Proct. 4868. Pell. 2066. Essling No. 324. BMC. V, 371.
The first illustrated edition of this famous chronicle.
Some waterstains and thumbmarks, the first leaves (Table) are stained by use and defective
on margins but skilfully mended, the first leaf with small loss of text; apart from these flaws the
copy is in good state.
59 S. GREGORIUS I. MAGNUS. Epistolae DCCCXLIV. N. p. d. (Augsburg, Gunther
Zainer, ca. 1476). Fol. Goth. 2 cols., 10 unn., 154 num. 11. Printed in red and
black. Contemporary wooden boards, covered with pigskin (rubbed). 250.—
H* 7991. Proct. 1553. BMC. II, p. 322.
EDITIO PRINCEPS and the only fifteenth-century edition of St. Gregory the Great‘s letters, of
high importance for the history of the 6 th century. Gregory was the great organizer of the two-fold
mission to Britain 596—601.
60 JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Legenda Aurea. N. p. d. (StraBburg, Printer of the Le-
genda Aurea), 1481. Fol. Goth, 15 unn., 369 numb. 11. Rubricated, capitals with orna-
ments supplied in red. Old vellum. 250.—
Not in H. Cop. 6423. Proct. 412. BMC. I, p. 96. Pell., Jac de Voragine 17.
Extremely rare edition of the famous legends of the saints or the “G olden
L e g e n d“. The anonymous press is named after this book which was its first product.
The Golden Legend, one of the most popular religious works of the Middle Ages, is a collection
of the legendary lives of the greater saints of the mediaeval church. Following the life of S. Pela-
gius is a short historical epitome beginning with the arrival of the Lombards and ending with the
council of Lyons. For this reason, our work is also called “Historia Lombardica“.
Rare edition containing two indices at the beginning. At the end the rubricator has added
his name in MS.: allexius Veyoll.
The copy is in fairly good condition, a few leaves are waterstained, on the blank margins of
some pages MS. notes are added. A 4-leaf alphabetical register in MS. is bound between the 15 th
and 16 th leaf. At beg. and end a few small wormholes. Only 1 copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
