Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg; Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat
Katalog (Nr. 261): Incunabula: a fifteenth century monastic library : two hundred twenty seven books printed in the 15th century comprising all departments of science of the Middle Ages — Vienna: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1938

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Swiss Francs
76 MAUROCENUS, P. De aeterna et temporal! generatione Christi in judaicae
improbationem perfidiae christianaeque religionis gloriam divinis enuntiationibus
comprobata. Padova, Bartholomaeus de Valdezoccho, 1473. 4to. Rom. 78 unn. 11.
MS.-vellum. 400.—
H. (not seen) -Cop. 10924. Proct. 6761. BMC. VII, 905. EDITIO PRINCEPS of a very rare and
te a r 1 y book written against the Jews. — Interesting and nicely printed product of
the first printer of Padova. Very fine and very large copy.
77 PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA. Dialogus Pauli et Sauli contra J u d a e o s, sive Scru-
tinium Scripturarum. (Rome), Ulrich Han (Gallus), (not after 11. Juni, 1471). Fol.
Rom. and Goth. 288 unn. 11. Old limp vellum. 360.—
Hain (not seen) -Cop. 10764. Proct. 3346. BMC. IV p. 21.
The author of this often printed diatribe against the Jews was one of the most passionate apo-
states against his former brethren. A former Rabbi, and a pillar of orthodoxy, he joined the Church,
studied Christian theology, and quickly rose to the high position of Archbishop of Carthagena. He
devoted his great literary talents and mightly intellect to calumniate Jews and Judaism, and he used
his influence to exclude his former coreligionists from every political office. (Jeroish Encyclopaedia).
Fine and large copy of this very rare and early edition. Only 2 copies in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
78 SAMUEL, RABBI. Epistola contra Judaeorum errores ad Rabbi Isaac magistrum
synagogue in Subjulmeta (Transl. and with pref, by Alphonsus B o niho mi-
nis). Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 1493. 4 to. Goth. 24 unn. 11. Capitals, paragraph-
marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. With a fine Accipies-woodcut
on title, traced with red lines. MS.-Vellum. 240.—
H.*-C. 14268. Proct. 1321. Voullieme, Kbln, 1062. BMC. I, 279. Schreiber-Heitz p. 32, and
Plate XVIII.
One of the most popular antisemitic publications of the middle ages.
Its object is the refutation of Judaism from Scripture. Fine, large copy. Very rare.
Only 1 copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
See Reproduction, Plate 10.
79 — The same. N. p. (Metz), Caspar Hochfeder, 1498. 4 to. Goth. 2 cols., 35 lines, 22
unn. 11., capital-spaces with guide-letters in red. Half morocco. 300.—
H.*-C. 14270. Proct. 2298. BMC. II, 478.
The first book printed by Caspar Hochfeder at Metz. In 1498, according to Proctor, Caspar Hoch-
feder moved to Metz. In the colophon of the present book he uses the advertising epithet "Nurenber-
gensis* which would have been pointless if used at Nurnberg itself.
Very fine, large copy of this interesting early Judaicum. At the end three lines written
by a contemporary hand. Only 4 copies in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
80 Tractatus de Judaeorum et Christianorum communione et conversatione. Acc. Ni-
colaus V, Papa. Bulla committenda Johannem de Capistrano convertere
Judaeos et confirmare Christianos. Datum Romae 1447. (Strafiburg, Printer of
„Henricus Ariminensis“ = ? Georgius Reyser de Spira, ca. 1472, not after 1476).
Fol. Goth. 15 unn. 11. Rubricated. Old MS. Vellum. 250.—
Hain (not seen) -Cop. 9465. Proct. 312. Not in the BMC.
An extremely rare edition of the bull of Pope Nicolas V. By this bull, John of Capistrano,
a Franciscan monk (1386—1456) was sent to Germany Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia with the special
mission to preach against the Jews. By his stirring sermons he excited the masses and
caused many Jew‘s baitings.
Extremely rare edition, perhaps the first. — Good copy with very large margins and
rough edges. Library stamps and owner's entry on the last page.
Only one copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).

Law. Political Economy.
81 ACCOLTIS, FRANC. DE ARETIO. Consilia seu responsa Juris. Milano, Anton. Zaro-
tus for Joh. de Legnano, 1483. Fol. Goth. 2 col. 206 11. Fine contemp. bind, of wooden
boards, back covered w. pigskin, clasps gone. . , 360.—
GKW. 141. H.-C. 37. Very rare second edition of the Consilia by Accoltis, famous jurisconsult and
humanist (died 1485). No copy in London, Paris, Berlin and U. S. A.
Very fine and large copy.
82 — Super titulo de vulgari et pupillari substitutione. cum tabula Stephani Botti.
Ed. by Alex. G a b 1 o n e t a. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris Faelli, 1498—99. Fol.
Goth, and Rom., 2 cols., 82 unn. 11. with sign. With printer's device on 1.
Ms vo. (repeated on the last leaf). Vellum. 300.—
Only mentioned by Gesamtkat. no. 165, which describes only the copy of the Staats-Bibliothek
at Berlin (Voullieme 2786). Unknown to all other bibliographers.
EDITIO PRINCEPS' of an extremely scarce juristic work and a finely
printed specimen of a rare press of Bologna, the first book of which appeared in
Our copy is in a very fine state of p r eservation with very large margins (nearly
3 inches). A few leaves are insignificantly stained, in the first leaves a few very small wormholes.
No copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
