Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 6.2005

DOI Artikel:
Laguna-Chevillotte, Agnieszka: Freski Józefa Franciszka Piltza w dawnym kościele OO. Trynitarzy w Krakowie
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The use of the information contained in the Protoculum {Protoculum huius Comentus
Casimiriensis Ordinis Discalceatorum SS. Trinitatis Redemptionis Copiirorum A.Dni
1692 di - ad 1797. mss, Bibl. Jag. sygn. 5844), a chronicie kept in the Cracow Trinitarian
monastery throughout the 18th century, made it possible to carry out a thorough study of
the history of the frescoes and to recall the role played in this undertaking by the generał
of the Trinitarian Order, Father Stanisław Oborski, whose name recurs time and again with
reference to the fabrica of the new church.

It was through Father Oborski, due to his earlier contacts with this order in Moravia.
that Piltz was employed by the Cracow Trinitarians. It may be supposed that Father
Oborski also formulated the ideological programme of the Trinitarian polychrome. The
main idea is the glorification of the Trinitarian activities (St John of Matha redeeming cap-
tives in the central scenę of the fresco on the vaułt), confirmed by God's intervention (the
angel handing a standard to St Felix).

Thus the hitherto forgotten name of Father Stanisław Oborski should be added to
the group of the contemporary clerical founders (such as Bishop Załuski and the Rev.
Łopacki), as thanks to his endeavours the church of the Cracow Trinitarians combined
Roman architectural forms with ambitious paintings exhibiting their Viennese-Venetian
