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October 4, 1856.]




Troublesome Parent. " Who was making that Noise, Clara ? "
Clara. " Only me and Moustache, Mamma! "

hid ry\ t"\n?tt> a »q vapa ttam t \ ctt 1 extend tbe consumption of alcoho'ic drinks and malt l;quor. You Will

knock up our trade with Oporto, and ruin all the parties concerned in
it. Flooding the market with your Bordeaux and Macon, and stuff, at
tbe cost of a mere song; see what an amount of capital you will swarao
and destroy—millions invested in Port and Sherry, especially Port.

The idea that any increase of consump'ion will take place if you let
your light wines in at a lower duty, is a gratuitous assumption, desti-
tute of ad probability. Not one bottle more will be consumed in the
United Kingdom than there is at present, and the Customs' reve-
nue will simply be impaired in a proportion which, measured hy the
value of the import you ask us to tamper with, must necessarily be

Stick to old Port. It is an orthodox wine; and if you afford facili-
ties for the importation of light continental wines, you will also open
a door for the introduction of Popery and Rationalism.

Mr. Oltveira. has set his mind on procuring the reduction of the
duties on light wines, and, if he lives, will probably effect tis purpose,
unless he is strenuously opposed by those many worthy and wealthy
people of influence, who, able to indulge in every luxury themselves,
and unable to refrain from indulging in any luxury whatever, are accus-
tomed generally to exert all tbe power they possess with a view to
prevent their inferiors in opulence from being demoralized by the least
indulgence which they can by any means withhold from them.

In a spirit, of dogged determination to carry his point, and fpoil the
British Public with the enjoyment of genuine wine, Mr. Oliveira is
employing his parliamentary holydays in making a tour through the
continental wine-growing districts, in order to collect information in
support of his case: facts and figures with which, in the ensuing
session, he intends to pester the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and
the numerous members who have made up their minds on the question,
and sfe resolved to pay no sort of attention to any truths, however
important, that he may state, or to any arguments, however reasonable,
that he may advance,

Just for form's sake, however, it will be necessary that Mb. Oli-
veira's opponents on the question of the wine-duties should set up a
few objections to his proposal for tbeir reduction: against which the
pleas principally to be relied on are the following,

Parliamentary Piecework.

The Bristol friends of F. H. F. Berkeley, Esq., M.P., ha?e pre-
sented that gentleman with a testimonial, including a porse of sovereigns,
of the total value of £1,012, for procuring the repeal of Wilson
Patten's vexatious Sunday Beer Bill. This proceeding suggests a
promising modification of the Chartist principle of paying repre-
Your Burgundy, your Claret, your Cbablis, your Sillery, your Mo-1 sentatm s. Suppose the wages were made contingent on the work

Remunerate the member, not by time but by measure. We should
then have good job-work instead of bad, done in Parliament, and do
doubt should be enabled to procure any reform, or beneficial enactment
that we wanted, by paying for it.

felle, your Jobannisberger, your Walpurzheimer, what are they ? A
oarcel of wishy-washy stuff, rot-viscera, not fit for a Briton to drink.
Your true Englishman loves his Port and his Sherry, his good strong
AJe, his Brown Stout, and Porter, and Half-and-Ralf, his Old Tom.
Cresm of the Valley, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Hollands, and Rum,
He will never drink your wretched, thin, sour, French and German

If you let in light wines cheap, on the other hand, how do you
propose to make good the deficiency of the revenue? Just think
what a gap you will make in the Excise, by diminishing, to a fearful

how to look at things.

One-siled views are sometimes decidedly the best: for instance, if
you are a portrait-painter, and are taking the portrait of a lady who
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