Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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August 30, 1856.1



{From our own Correspondent)

What means tbat shouting of f he crowd ?
The people cheer the Queen of Oude,
Toe British people always cheer
All sovereigns who come over here..

Why cheer the people Oude's Ex-Queen ?
She bate% like poison, to be seen,
In privacy she fain would dwell
Within the Royal York Hotel.

Secluded close from all their sights,
She keeps her Court at Mr. White's.
She occupies his house entire, _
Can it be that which they admire ? j

Her followers one hundred count,
And six ; she pays the large amount
Of twice six guineas, by the day,
In Mb. White's hotel to stay.

Unto Southampton's Town she came,
Preceded by the goddess Fame,
Wlio with ner swift wings did outstrip,
By many a league, the Ex-Quken's ship.

On board that vessel, Fame averred,
She ne'er had from her cabin stirred,
Hanging, with which, not long ago, the public appeared to have got nearly disgusted, seems ^D(j whilst uoon the ocean wave
of late to have ia some measure recovered its popularity, or rather its place in the affections j)^ never once her person lave. '
of the educated and governing classes. It is true that Celestina Somner escaped the I

gallows, but did not the Home Secretary haDg Martha Brown ? and if the former's crime Perhaps 'twas doubtful how Fame knew
was one of the most cruel murders on record, was not the offence of the latter mete man- All this: the story passed for true,
slaughter committed under the extenuating circumstances of extreme provocation? Prom If true, then must the Queen oe Oude,
one extieme the Government will of course run into the other, aud the executioner, in that his To be a wonder, be allowed,
office is no sinecure, will differ even more widely than he now does from the Cathedral Canon.! j\n(j therefore do the people cheer

The increasing employment of the gallows will probably prove a stimulus to the attain- [ Too soon believing what they hear'p

ment of excellence in the Executioner's department of High Art: and thru, as a necessary £ <-[o not know—[^cannot say_

consequence, we shall have foreign ability invittd to compete with British talent. Application : ijne peopie>s cry is still Hooray !

will naturally be made to Germany ; but, we would suggest, chiefly to that particular portion I ^ _'

of Fatherland called Austiia. —

A letter has been written to a Genoese paper by General Garibaldi, stating that poor fin-ommpnt Con=ei(.noP MnflTO
CiCERUACcaio, the popular orator of the modern Romans, aud his two sons, boys under Government Conscience Money,
age, together with four other persons, one of them a chaplain, have been barbarously The Chancellob oe the Exchequer pre-
shot, ia cold blood, at Contarin>t, near the mouth of the Po, by Austrian soldiers commanded sents bis compliments to "A Poor Young Lady,"
by an officer of the Imperial family. Since, even if Ciceruagchio had rendered himself and begs to return her the sum of £3 6s. 8c?.,
liable to be shot, His Holiness the Pope was the only person legally qualified to shoot being the amount of Income Tax wrongfully
him, this abominable act ou the part of the Austrians was an officious exercise of the office deducted from the sum of £50, her sole means
of the finisher of papal law. It shows them to be born with a natural turn for that officer's of subsistence, derived from investment in the
v ccation. , Three per Cent. Consols.



Besides, was not the reign of the present
Kmpebor of Austria inaugurated by hangings ?
It is remarkable, in connection with this cir-
cumstance, that the officer in command of the
Austrian soldiers who put to death OicebuaC-
chio, his children, and the other persons whom
they had no right to meddle with, was a member
of the Imperial family. No doubt thej all hang

If, therefore, foreign professors of the halter
are to be encouraged, like so many other foreign
artists, to afford this country the advantage of
their ing-nuity in their own peculiar line, let ap-
plication be made, in the first instance, to the
Austrian Government for the required assistance.
The status of the hangman will be improved
by the importation of Austrian competitors;
for the office is evidently one of honour in the
dominions of Francis Joseph, and any other
dominions occupied by his gallant troops, who
volunteer its performance, and are, doubtless,
as handy with, the rope as they are with the
rifle. Perhaps His Majesty will send us that
distinguished m-mber of his family wno com-
maiided the gallant party, all volunteers per-
haps, that executed those above-mentioned sub-
jects of the Pope on account of his HolinefS.
We shall doubtless receive with all the honours
due to his exalted rank and elevating pursuit,
that amateur Imperial assistant of Under-
Sheriffs, and shall unanimously agree in no-
minating him Arce-Jack-Ketch.
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