Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Jul* 12, 1856.]




the touters who harg about St. Paul's Chuichyard, and
intuit jou if you say that you don't want a marriage licence,
having made a grab at "compensation." In supply,LoBD
Palmekston said that, as the plunder of Sebastopol would
give ouly half-a-ciown a-pitce to our officer?, ana sixpence
to our men, the Government had. liberally determined to
keep it all to themselves. The entry of the Guards was
alluded to, and it was s'ated that the route wan not settled ;
but it is ULdeistood that Sir Richard Alrey desires to
of Abjuration except I bring the men skulking in by the most private way, as he
the one absurdity' conceives that the Guards are the Queen's Guards, and
which excludes the! that the people have nothing to do with them. The
Jew from Parliament. | bungling routineer of the Crimea comes out again: Sih
Bichard has evidently learned nothing,—let him learn
this :—

" Another of Sib Rich %rd's blundering freaks,
He '11 get our Guardsmen christened aiREY-Sneaks."

he 30tk ofJune, Mon-
declined to go on with
his jocular bill for
omitting all the ab-
surdity fro n the Oath

The East India Com-

pany was again ex-
posed. The Directors
h»ve been doing the

SiS,, *2*, °l I Friday. The idea of work this beautiful weather was quite
W yS !1^ t0 Mr- Fuuc/l's feelings, so he calmly counted
efse°s eS^me-they'himself out' and drank bituself> lced> at Greenwich,
have been presenting'
£500 to the inundated
Trench out of the
money belonging to
the public But t his
is a trifle to the Com-
pany, which, as Lcrd
Ellesboroogh ex-
plained, is in the
habit of sperdirg

£23,000,000 a-year without any independent audit. It was announced that Mrs.
Thompson, mother of one of the heroes of Kars, was to be assisted partly by the
War Office, and "partly another way." With the public impression t.f the War
Office, it will be thought that whatever the o'her way may be, it will be the
preferable one.

The House of Commons was occupied to-night and the following night with a
debate upon the American Enlistment Question. An Irish nobody, named Moore,
who commits abusive speeches to memory, and utters them with some energy,
moved a resolution to the effect that Ministers deserved to be censured for their
conduct. The discussion was not lively, for no one was the least, in earnest. The
beat speeches were the Attorney-General's anH Mr. Gladstone's, and the
latter, after cutting the Ministers to pieces, went out and voted for them. The
plain English of the case is, that we wanted recruits, and that tbe Americans and
our Government here knew perfectly well that Mr. Crampton was to get them if

he could. Eor a long time no notice was taken of the matter; but, as Pierce's j BIRDS AND BURDENS

Government wanted a clap-trap, they suddenly pretended to resent what they had
been tacitly sanctioning, and we, who no doubt had committed an infraction of
Americau law, had to back out of the fix as well as we could. In strictness, there-
fore, Government were wrong; but, under the circumstances, it was no case for a(
vote of censure; and, besides, who was going to endanger a Mioist y in J««]y, and I ments. Among others, we have an announcement headed
with the whi* e-bait dinner actually fixed ? So, on d vision, Ministers bad 274 votes, j .< First Ciass pow\a ana Eggs from the Same "

and Moore 80.

m j . , , ,. e t» ■ rv»r» i h,t n a which proceeds to talk about all sorts of strange birds,
Tuesday. A blood relation of Pat O Dai set and Misturess Casey need we bolud^ "Buenos Ayrean ducks," and at last reaches a
name Lord Donoughmore, complained of the expense of an Irish Lord s proving b0rt of °limax j theJ wotda_«Fowls by Baily, 2s. ■ by
hrs right to vote for the representative peerage. This costs £150, whereas an t & u„ H )h fowls caQ be'„£ Baily" it is
English peer can take his seat for £5 All .mngs considered, Mr. Punch may £ery'difficult to understand, unless Bailt is the name ,f
congratulate his friend Lord Fermoy (Burke Roche), who, it has just been ^ remarkable bird whose progeny is popular. We are
decided, is not a lawfully construe'ed peer of Ireland. j happy to find these fowls so cheap as to be sold for two
Wednesday. The Commons lejected a bill for regulating the hours of labour in shillings, though we are a little astonished to hear that
the bleaching factories, where it appears "young girls are worked 16, 18, and 20 tb-y can be sent "by post" for an extra penny,
hours a-day in a temperature varying from 90 to 130 degrees, and from some of the j We kno^ that all kinds of things may be sent through
apartments in which, persons are habitually carried out iuafainthg state." It the Post-Office, but the idea of enclosing a fowl in an
was perfectly right, and in accordance with the principles of trade, to reject this envelope and thrusting him into a box, after putting a
bill, because it was shown that had these children been relieved, it would have been Queen's Head upon him—to say nothing of the processes
impossible to sell the article they produce at the same rate of profit as now. Mr. of stamping, sorting, and all the other arrangements inci-
Punch is much disgusted, and he is sure his Manchester frienos will^ be equally so dental to transmission by post—is, to say the least of it,
with Mr. Walter, who made the unphilosophical and unenlightened remark, that rather a novel one. It is to be hoped that a letter-carrier
"It was alleged that bills of this kind interfered with manufactures; but political is not often burdened with "Fowls by Bailt," or any
economists overlooked the million of children yearly added to our population, by far o'her member of the feathered tribe; for we can scarcely
the most interesting and important of our productions. The Legislature would, in coi^ceive anything more difficult of delivery. We can
his opinion, grossly neglect its duty if it did not take care that the youth cf this understand the sending of " winged words" in the shape
countiy, upon whom i s future strength and greatness depended, were so brought of correspondence, but we do not think that Fowls ought
up that the development of their mental and bod'ly powers was not impeded by to be allowed to creep in under such a category,
over-work.' ___

Thursday. The Divorce Bill came on again, and the Bishops, ltd by Dr.
WiLBtKEOKCE, exerted themselves to damage it as much an possible, by taking | Free Libraries v. St. Pancras.

out the clause which proposes to do some little justice to women Bat Mr. Punch's It . iBstrucf,ive to know that the individual, bv whose
appeal to the Lords to protect the women of Eng and against these priests was not inflaence the adoptiou of Mr. Ewart's Free Libraries Act
made in vain, and the Bishops weie signally defeated, the division being 43 t o 10. was defea ed in & pancra9, was-a sweep. " The school-

In the Commons, tbe Solicitor-General made signals of distie-s touching his master is abroad," said Brougham; but the schoolmaster,
bill for reforming the Doctors' Commons nuisance, declaring that in trying to please being abroad, hardly thought to be knocked down by a
everybody he had offended everybody. The rapacity of the ecclesiasticals has been chimney-sweeper. This is Broom against Brougham with
curiously evinced tver since the measure was introduced ; every official, including a vengeance !

Whether it is the heat of the weather, or any other
influence, we will not pretend to say, but there has certainly
been an unusual oddness latelv about some of the advertise-
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