Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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September 2, 1865.]




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Gentleman incog., reading Local History. “ Our Coasts have Quick Sands, on 'which many Strangers have incautiously



The Nazione, of Florence, has prepared Europe for an event which,
coming unexpectedly, would create a little astonishment. According
to our Italian contemporary, there are those who declare that PioNono,
reduced to extremities by the fast approaching term of the convention,
whereby the French will quit Rome, “ has taken a heroic resolution

“ Following the example of Pope Celestink, he is said to have the intention of
abdicating the Papal power, in order that the successor nominated during his life,
and under his own eyes, shall not be bound, as he is, by any oath in matters affect-
ing the pro rty of the Church. Finally—and here the wonder increases—the
choice of the new Pontiff is said to be already determined, and Pros the Ninth
is only 10 abdicate after having obtained a secret promise, signed by all the
members of the Sacred College, to the effect that their votes shall be unanimously
given to an illustrious layman, who at the same sitting shall be created priest,
bishop, and cardinal.”

The correspondent of the Post at the Italian capital (pro tem.), with
reference (to the foregoing statement, observes that the readers of the
Nazione “must rack their brains in conjecture whether Garibaldi, or
Charles de Montalembert, or Sir George Bowyer is the individual
referred to,” and reasonably enough, asks:—

“ May he not be, after all, the successful electioneering tactician who recently
went to the country on the watch-word which ought surely to recommend him
to the highest post in the Romish hierarchy—that he and his always sided with
the angels.”

In order to become Pope it would, of course, be necessary that
the distinguished politician referred to in the foregoing query,
should go over to Rome. It is probable that he would hesitate to
take that step until he felt quite certain of his election to the
Popedom, and if, having gone over to Rome, he were not made
Pope after all. perhaps he would come back again. The triple hat
would no doubt very well fit the head of the enthusiastic champion
of that ancient race, of whose members so many were once accus-
tomed to wear something of the kind about the streets. If the leader
of her Majesty's Opposition were elevated to the Papacy, he might

feel sufficiently comfortable at that altitude; but there are wretches
who would call it a Dizzy height. Should II mo Ben, as his present
Holiness may playfully call the “ illustrious layman,” for whose feet he
is said to intend vacating his white satin slippers, succeed the Holy
Father in the chair of Peter, what name is it likely that he would
adopt ? That of Innocent would suit him very nicely. Semitic predi-
lections, however, might induce him to prefer Shadrach, or Sidrach,
as it is rendered a la Romaine. On the same grounds, our illustrious
author, made Pope, might gracefully choose for himself the name of
Sidonia. Or Michael, Gabriel, or Raphael, might be that which
would, be chosen by one who sides with the angels.

But what is the use of pursuing speculations such as the preceding ?
Of course there is only one illustrious layman in existence that could
possibly be created priest, bishop, cardinal, and Pope all in a day. And
he would rather not be. If he were offered the Tiara he would decline
it, because he prefers his own cap-and-bells. He would scorn to say
Nonpossumus under any circumstances; but, if requested to accept the
situation of the potentate who says that, he would answer Non volumus,
or Nolumus. There is no truth in the suggestion that the individual
engaged to be the next Pope, vice Pius the Ninth, abdicated, is
Mr. Punch.

Seaside Literature.

A New Political pamphlet has been published at Nancy, called
Decentralisation, which has created a great, sensation at Paris and
elsewhere. Might not the Ramsgate authorities take a dip profitably
into its contents, with the view of seeing whether they could not bring
their bathing regulations a little more within the limits of “ Decent-
ralisation P ”


We hear that his Holiness the Pope has given positive orders that
all his Bulls shall be kept within the precincts of the Vatican while the
cattle disease is rife.
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