Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Admiral Rous’s Business, 92
Aim of Italy (The), 12
Alleged Body-Snatching at Rome, 207
Alliance Joint Stock, 237
All in the Downs, 124, 134
Allocution on Freemasonry (The), 149
“ Allow metotake Gareof the Baby,” 258
Ambassador to Prussia Wanted (An), 208
Amends to Scotland, 40
Among the Pigs, 25
Ancient Don’s Lament (The), 222
Aristocratic Intimidation, 1
Armstrongand Whitworth Guns (The) 105
Artful Advertisements, 217
Assize Intelligence, 49
Attestation of Quackery, 19
Attraction in these Days (An), 109
Aural Education, 13
Authentic Intelligence, 102
Author’s Volunteer Horse Artillery, 11
Autumn Flowers from “ Le Follet,” 191
Baby Tax Wanted (A), 161
Bad Taste in a Blaze, 55
Beef and Bacon in the City, 164
Bermondsey Bumbles Defying the Light-
ning (The), 181

Bishop and the Elephant (The), 99
Bit of Berlin Wool (A), 255
Black Elector (The), 81
Blow Izaack Walton! 172
Bridge (The), 10

Bright (but not particular) Star (A), 145
British and Foreign Mawworms, 225
British Association (The), 113
British Workman and his Pictures, 166
Broken Saw (A), 82
By the Shrimpside Waves, 90
Call a Spade, a Spade, 89
Cardinal’s Notion of Industry (A), 116
Careless Court Circular, 142
Casting “ The Rivals,” *05
Chesterfield in the City, 133
Character Gleaning and Reputation Re-
novating Company, 19
Charade for a Dull Evening (A), 145
Charming Proposal, 95
Child of the Sun (The), 164
Chili Vinegar for Spain, 227
Chinese Correspondence, 131
Chivalry and the Cudgel, 138
Clerk (The), 132
Colonial Carefulness, 66
Commercial Conversation (A), 172
Common Sense from a Judge, 242
Conjurors in Feathers, 112
Conservative Reaction, 52
Conservative Veal Cutlets, 40
Converted England, 31
Convertible Terms, 114
Criminal Hair-cutting, 256
Curious Question in Railway Law, 76
Descendants of Heroes (The), 30
Disraeli’s Last, 159

Dissenters done by Themselves, 9
Don’t be Muffs, 121
Double Knock (A), 72
Doubt about Brigandage (A), 3
Drop for the Drama (A), 82
Drop in Danger (The), 62
Duppell-Tongued Verdict (A), 171
Dying Parliament to Punch (The), 13
Editing Editors, 173
Education in Bermondsey, 223
Election Intelligence, 5
Election Rights and Wrongs, 40
Elections (The), 25

“ English Benedictine” in Paris (An), 63
Ethnologists and Phrenologists, 20
Eulenburg and Ott, 120
Excelsiores ! 64

Exposition of Modern Paintings, 195
Extra-late University Intelligence, 183
Extraordinary Assumption, 82
Extreme Carelessness of a Regular Con-
tributor, 185

Farmers and their Friend (The), 243

Fashionable Frippery, 31

Fashions (The), 206

Fat Church and Lean Church, 180

Fearful Sign, 59

Fearful Warning (A), 156

Fence and Offence, 161

Fenian Boys in a Fix (The), 156

Fenian Collapse (The), 126

Fenian Drill-Book (The), 136

Fenian Figures and Fenian Facts, 191

Fenian Fund (The), 170

Fenians (The), 141

Fenians to the Fore ! 247

Flinching at St. Michael's, Shoreditch, 109

Flowers from “ Le Follet,” 101

Follow my Leader, 20

Fools All, 192

Fools’ Paradise, 89

Free and Independent Candidate (A), 34
Frightful Discovery, 228
From a Correspondent, 216
From a Dear Old Correspondent, 120
From a Valued Contributor, 140, 144, 154
From our Juvenile Correspondent, 92
‘‘From Plague, Pestilence, and Famine,”

Fugitive Stephens (The), 234
Furious Driving, 124
Gammon, if True, 81
Gang of Thames Defilers (A), 1C6
Gem (A), 46

General Wade Redivivus, 49
Generous Offer (A), 86
Glut of Railway Bills (The), 243
Government by Steam, 24
Graduates in Imposition, 208
Great Events in our Daily Life at Shrimp-
side, 132

Great Gooseberry at Grenoble (A), 44
Great Western Vandals and Oxford, 96

Green and Gray, 49
Grinders (The), 193
Grinding and Cramming, 150
Grocer Humbug, 244
Groom and a Gentleman (A), 116
Guide to Bradshaw (The), 33, 44, 54, <fcc.
Hang the Inventor ! 65
Happy Hours in Town, 12
Harlequin Schleswig-Holstein, 84
Health of the Metropolis, 150
' Hearts and Lutes, 181
Height of Ingenuity (The), 122
“ Henry Dunbar” at the Olympic, 246
Heroism in High Life, 52
High Ideas of High Art, 185
Hint (A), 10
His Next Holiness, 83
Homoeopathy and Humbug in Parlia-
ment, 22

Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, 55

Homoeopathic Treatment of a Poacher, 242

Home for the Holidays, 184

Home they Brought, 256

Hot Supper (A), 238

Hot Water in Past Ages, 175

How to Dress your Shop-Window, 129

How to Make Money, 254

How to Win an Election, 248

Hunting the (Summer Assizes) Hare, 42

Ignatius and his Monkeys, 22

Imaginary Conversation, 16

Impossible Trial (An), 202

Impossibility Accomplished (An), 75

Income-Tax Suffrage, 32

Indignation, 39

Ingenious Ichthyological Discovory, 81
Innocence of a Papal Dove, 72
Instructive Drama (The), 60
Intellectual Treat, 181
Invasion of Scotland (The), 244
In Vino Veritas, 133
In Westminster Abbey, 176
Irish Explanation (An), 212
Irishman's Just Remonstrance (An), 85
Irish Republic (The), 142
“ Jam ” Satis, 180
Joint-Stock Company (A), 223
Killed, Wounded and Missing, 31
“ King John” in Private, 213
“ Kings Begged of a Beggar,” 81
Kissing and being Friends, 92
Ladies and thrir Long Tails, 34
La-)y on Foreign Ways (A), 53
“ L'Africaine,” 45
Lancers (The), 232
Land of Liberty (The), 232
Last Case of Colour-Blindness, 216
Lauieate to his Princess (The), 175
Law of Self-Defence (The), 30
Lay of the Bell, 95

Le Follet’s” Fashionable Economy, 228
Legal Education, 243 '

Leo|x>l«i, King of the Belgians, 245

“ Less than Kind,” 214
Letter from a Lion, 234
Letter to a Nobleman’s Brother, 192
Light and Hair, 114
“ Lightly Tread,” 80
Light Wine, 114
Lines by a Lady's Maid, 234
Lines for the Times, 214
Lines to an Old Lady, 70
Lines to a Young Lady of Fashion, 39
Little Difficulty (A), 223
Little Misunderstanding (A), 142
Liverpool Cradle Song (The), 204
Lord Marmion-Russell, 186
Love-Law Amendment Society, 258
Lush against Mill, 22
Macadam of Paris (The), 155
Macintosh (The) 185
Magistrates’ Prizes (The), 256
Manteuffel and Augustenburg, 218
Marked Man (A), 181
Medicine and Member for Westminster, 2
Memory and Music, 51
Mems from Manxland, 111, 123
Messages from the Great Eastern, 23, 35,
59, &e.

Meyrick's Deo-Gratias, 242
Mill and Public Measures, 2
Millinery and Marriage, 56
Mind your Accents, 29
Model Village (A), 204
Modem Gregorian Tone (A), 21
Moral Amusement at Manchester, 227
Mormonite Monster (A), 171
Mr. Carlyle on Progress, 160
Mr. Disraeli’s Speech, 26
Mr. Homegreen on the Drought, 150
Mrs. St. Stephen’s Ideas of How to
Manage a House, 89
Muddle of the Period, 20
Musical Benevolence, 85
Music of the Future, 4
Mutual Recognition Company (Limited),

“ My Foot is on my Native Heath, and
my name is Jenkins,” 152
Mystery (A), 193

Naggletons on Greenwich (The), 90
Naggletons on Return from the Country
(The), 70

Naggletons on the Africaine (The), 50

Naggletons on their Extinction (The), 110

National Copyhold, 233

Naval Intelligence, 45

Naval Revolvers, 26

Neighbourly Nuisance (A), 89

Neptune to the Mermaids, 46

New Books, 170

New Bridge (The), 41

New Echo Song (A), 217

New Music, 243

New Stolberg Lozenge (The), 162
New Trick upon Travellers, 42



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1865
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1860 - 1870
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Commedia dell'arte


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 49.1865, Index, S. 261