Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[August 22, 1874.


Query the Bibhop of Lincoln’s impression

As to who should be ‘ Reverend,’ and what is ‘Discretion ?’

(See Correspondence of Bishop of Lincoln and Kev. H. Reet.—Times,

Now, when diverging tracks perplex our quest,

When stout hearts fail for doubt, that know not fear,

When higher instinct is in turn represt
By priestly pride or proletarian sneer;

When they who scan the past with jealous care,

Some forecast of the tempest thence to win,

Hear on the wind a warning to prepare
For Storm without, by Unity within;

Is this a time for chiefs of the Church cause,

To claim their mint and cummin, every tittle ?

Do they who raise a squabble over straws
Prove themselves great by making others little ?

After its fruit how shall we name that tree
On Lindum’s high hill planted by Remigius ? *
seeking grapes we growth of thistles see,

Much may be orthodox that’s not religious.

Words’ worth is little ; only deeds ring true;

Fondness and charity are joys that never end.

These graces if but Lincoln would pursue,

And be himself, whoever be called, “ reverend ” !

A miracle might yet by grace be wrought—

A miracle assumed as fact last Session—

Winton and Lincoln, and.their bench-mates, brought
lo temper zeal and learning with discretion.

, * UoAUn?U?0man name f°r Lincoln, where Remigius founded his cathe-


Arrangements for the Month of August.—First visit to Bath.
Lecture on Heads, by a Young Shaver.

In order to save time and expense, some of the disagreeable
members will be sent to Coventry.

Later on in the Month.—Equestrian excursion for Ladies to Ban-
bury Cross. Also plans to be discussed for going to Jericho.

The Association will proceed to examine a Mare’s-nest discovered
by the President.

Lectures will be delivered by several learned Professors on
Extracting Sunbeams from Cucumbers, and Dyes from Rainbows.

Most Important.—Arrangements have been entered into with all
the leading County families of England to provide luncheon and
dinner gratis, at their own charming County seats, during the
Association’s tour. Science not so much an object as pleasant
outings and first-rate mnings (gratis).

Spiritualism and Sanity.

In a lecture delivered at one of the late meetings of the “ Spiritual
Conference,” on “Physical Manifestations,” it was remarked,_ in
regard to “mediums” for those phenomena, that “the rope-tying
always afforded a loophole for doubt which the calico bandages do
not admit of.” To prevent a “medium” from playing the ghost,
would not a restraint still more effectual than calico bandages be
a strait-waistcoat ? We were informed at the late Spiritualist Con-
ference that our lunatic asylums contain many undeveloped
Mediums. Punch would have supposed still more developed ones.
The strait-waistcoat would thus seem to be an altogether appro-
priate uniform for Mediums. In such a restraining garment we
might say indeed, with a twist of the old Latin saw, “ Medium
tutissimus ibit.”

From “ Og'r Own.”—On dit, that “ Brummy ” has taken Physic,
and gone to Khiva.


Emily (to Boy on Horse). “ Look here. Fetch some more Strawberries ; and this time mind you don't Drink the Cream ! *
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