Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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December 26, 1874.]



Advertising Gems, 235

Advertising Offences, 111

Advice on Explosive Matters, 163

A la Mode, 102

Alarming Accident, 62

Among the Lawyers, 210

Another Congress, 107

Another Exhibition, 123

Appalling Idea, 165

Arch and Keystone, 1

“ Arethusa” (The), 68

’Arry’s Mark, 86

Art in Fashion, 186

Astronomer at Home (The), 234

Atom, the Architect, 198

August Showers, &c., 101

Awkward, 209

Au Public, 23

Bacchus in France, 188

Barbarity to a Horse, 143

Bathers and Buoys, 83

Base-Ball in the Vernacular, 86

Bazaine’s Escape, 87, 183

“ Beating of my Own Wife ” (The), 211

Benefit for Babes, 1

Best Terms Possible (The), 113

Better Do-Nothing than Do-Ill, 48

Between Dog and Man, 54

Between Pusey and Paul, 93

Beware of Birdstealers, 190

Big Gooseberry Pudding, 78

Birds in the Hand, 220

Bishop and King, 181

Bismarck’s Master Mind, 144

Bismarck the Bathman, 265

Black Jobs in the Wind, 29

Blood and Iron, 42

Blue Book with a Rose Tinge, 145

Bone of Contention (The), 243

British Automaton, &c., 105

British Idea (A), 121

Buff or an Epigram (A), 152

Bumping and Bumpers, 231

Bumpkin on Boots (A), 221

Bung or Boniface ? 153

By a Glasgow Book-maker, 252

Cabinet Manifestations, 47

Cadets and Cads, 193

Canine Proclivity, 268

Canzonet to the Comet, 22

Capital! 147

Car lists and the Chancellor (The). 203
Casual’s Complaint (The), 82
Caution, 176

Change of Occupation (A), 164
Chignons Off ! 127
Chivalry Afloat, 78
Christian School of Science (A), 144
Christmas, 267
Christmas Certainties, 265
Christmas “ Crackers,” 270
Church in an Uproar (The), 166
Circuitous Traveller (The), 169
City Mulberry Trees (The), 105
Class ” Legislation, 101
Clerical Madcaps, 35
Comet (The), 25
Communist Culprit (A), 143
Comparatively Happy Family, 200
Competitive Examinations for Entrance
into Infant Schools, 30

Congress Mania (The), 135
Conservative Schooling, 1
Constellations and Coiffures, 155
Converse and Contrary, 47
Conversion in High Life, 122
Converts worth Crying Over, 165
“Cool," 203

Correct Colour (The), 158
Correspondence, 121
Correspondents to the Front, 207
“ Count-Out ” (A), 225
Cremation and Creed, 32
Crystal Concerts, 167
Darwenism and Darwinism, 201
Deeds of a Day, 13
Deeds of Daring, 102
Defence, not Defiance, 29
De Groof, 36
Deleterious Tracts, 103
Democritus at Belfast, 85
“ De Profundis,” 260
Desperate Offenders, 230
Desperate Resolves of the Last Man in
Town, 73

Difficulties of Dramatic Licensing, 263
Disraeli on Circuit, 118
Distress at Exeter, 153
Dockyard Rats, 213
Dogmatists on Dogmas, 210
Dog v. Kerr, 209
Don Carlos on his Country, 72
Double-Headed Judge (The), 122
Down in the East, 209
Dress and Undress, 65
Dry Humorist (A), 74
Dual Domestic (A), 125
Due Elevation, 269
Ecclesiastical Divisions, 178
Ecclesiastical Ordnance, 190
Echoes from the East, 127
Edinburgh at Liverpool, 153
Effects of the Hot Weather, 45
88° in the Shade, 31, 33
Election Puzzles, 8
Eligible Investment, 11
Eligible Tenement, 118
“ Elizabeth’s Residence in a French
Country House,” 117, 136, 147, &c.
England’s Heart Disease, 257
English Bull to Irish, 19
Epping Forest for Ever 1 213
Escape of Marshal Bazaine (The), 96
Essence of Parliament, 2, 12, 21, &c.
Example to Miners (An), 265
Exeunt the Six Resolutions, 40
Expiring Copyrights, 220
Extraordinary Juvenility, 167
Fair Conclusion (A), 20
False Alarm (A), 158
Fashionable Intelligence, Ac., 113
Fashionable Love-Song (A), 3
“ Fatty Degeneration,” 41
Feminine Adulteration, 234
Fine Old Atom-Molecule (The), 247
Fine Old Railway Passenger (The), 210
Fjrst Train to Jeypore (The), 176
Flight of Fancy (A), 35
Flowers of the Future, 255
Food for Reflection, 230
Force of Example (The), 237
Foreign Intelligence, 125

Forsyth Franchise (The), 25
Forthcoming Novels, 200
French Parliamentary Uniforms for the
Hot Weather, 31
Friend and Fisher, 72
From Our Own “ Occasional,” 51
General Good Faith, 32
Geology of the Garden, 181
Ghosts and Geese, 65
Girl-Market (The), 244
Glossary to Railway Phrases, 211
Good Fruit from Kindly Flower, 101
Good Look-out for a Governess (A), 146
Gone from our Gaze, 14
Grave Possibility (A), 186
Great Escape for the Bishops, 58
Greatness in Decline, 47
Greg as Cassandra, 166
Guizot, 142

Gun News from the Moors, 87
Habits of Eminent Men, 217
Hamlet’s Right Hair, 253
Hawarden Wood-cutter (The), 214
Health Question at Hampstead, 243
Hebrews of the Hebrews, 254
Heinous Atrocity, 245
Herald of Doom (The), 51
Here, There, and Everywhere, 251
Hero of Romance (A), 146
High and Low Art, 235
Hints Gratis for Covent Garden Concert, 77
History Repeating Itself, 32
His Word as Good as His Bond, 102
Holiday Happy Thoughts, 81, 106
Home-Rating, 53
Home Rule at Home, 14
Home Rulers and Hierarchs, 20
How to Make Home Happy, 146
How to Receive the Enemy, 94
Hymen in Excelsis, 207
Idol Mio ! 35
If Fiji feel Fidgety, 67
Ignorance v. Irony, 247
Impressive Warning, 226
In a Certain Direction, 20
“ In all Courts, over all Causes, Su-
preme,” 58
In 1880—Law I 212
Infallibility of Punch (The), 226
Infallible Intelligence, 244
Infallible Invective, 218
Ingenuous Offer (An), 138
In Highlands and Islands, 77
Injustice to Ireland, 252
“ In such a Night,” 253
Is it Possible? 41, 132
Is there a British Army ! 217
Jeames Redivivus, 117
Keeper of the Seal (The), 62
Kennedy Corrected, 73
King of Clubs (A), 194
Knaves? 182

Labourers in Devon, 178
Labour for Hercules, 74
Ladies v. Lords of Creation, 232
Lady Advocate (The), 64
Land Transfer and Law Costs, 25
Larky Illogical Association (The), 84
Last Irish Grievance (The), 231
Last of an Old Friend (The), 65
Last of Sir Roger, 222

Last Week’s Work (The), 64

Latest Intelligence (The), 151

Law and Right, 9

Lawn Tennis, 122

Learning for Ladies, 189

Le Cynicisme Artistique, 125 ,

Leicester Square—Renovate, 11

Legitimate Science for Spain, 75

Life by the Ocean Wave (A), 111

Lines by a Stroud Elector, 264

Literature, Science, and Art, 47 , < i

Little Lay of Lincoln (A), 87

Looking Over Lincoln, 84

Lord Mayor in Paris (The), 266

Lord Mayor’s Nest (A), 156

Lunar Rays, 222

Lusk et Lux, 54

Lyrics on Lord Mayor’s Eve, 194

Magus among the Merchant Taylors, 4

Man and Dog, 72

Man of Letters (A), 168

Many Misses, 147

Mask on Meaning (A), 122

Mayors and their Nests, 88

Men We Don’t Want to Meet, 233

Mothinks ! 238

Military Cookery-Book (The), 217
Mill on Nature, 187
Misplaced Criticism (A), 77
Model Insects (The), 266
Moderate Measures,” 236
Modest Proposal (A), 185
Monk and Monkeys (A), 158
More Effects of the High Temperature, 73
More New Music, 191
Mosquito-phobia, 104
Movements of M.P.’s, 135
Mr. Gladstone on Ritual, 145
Mr. Punch’s Own Orpheonic Review, 255
Music and Magic, 170
Music at Worcester, 190
Mystery and Music, 157
Name and Fame, 199
Name of Omen (A), 41
New Entertainment, 128
New Planet (The), 126
New Steamer (The), 131
New Tourists, 173
Next Comet Year (The), 36
Next War (The), 177
Night with Lawson (A), 219
No Alternative, 42

“ No Compulsion—only, you must,” 26
No Credit Given, 158
No End of Controversy, 251
No Nonsense, 116
Northwards Ho! 225
Notable Omission (A), 56
Notes from the Highlands, 93
Notoriety in New York, 107
Not Quite So Green, 41
November Fogs, 201
Nut for Grammarians, 209
Occasional Happy Thoughts, 197, 202,
229, &c.

Oil and Vinegar, 133

Old-World Citizen on Old Ways and New
Ones, 63

One-and-Three ! 73
One for Your Eye, 92
On the Road, 83



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1874
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1869 - 1879
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 67.1874, Index, S. 273