Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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July 6, 1878.]



About the Shape of it, 174
Adaptation of an Old-fashioned Grace,

Admirable Test (An), 143
Advertising a la Mode, 2i>3
Advice Gratis to Britannia, 261
Aid to Digestion, 84
All Bights Beserved, 274
Amende Honourable (An), 240
An Absent Comma, 101
Another Duke gone "Wrong, 35
Appropriate, 125
Aquarium Beluga (The), 276
Army Surgeons and Snobs, 181
'Arry on Politics, 205
'Any on the Turf, 297
'Arry to the Front! 100
Arsenic in Violet Fowders, 2C5
Art Notes, 264

Ass in the Lion's Skin (The), 6
At Last! 305

Attitude of England (The), 109
Au Bevoir ! 40

Australian Eleven v. M.C.C. (The), 256

Bad Job for Butchers (A), 83

Bear and few Friends (The), It 8

Beati Possidentes, 239

Beauties and Belles, 228

Beautiful for Ever ! 120

Beer and Biscuits, 229

Ben at Berlin, 294

Betsy's Bad Dream, 29

Betsy to Benjamin, 269

Between the Lot, 215

Between two Fames, 256

Big Names for Plain Things, 304

Bipeds in the Berlin Zoo, cOl

Bismarck's New Beatitude, 25-9

Black Country Synonym (A), 184

Blind Hookey, 137

Boat-race (The), 186

Bold Buffer-iider (The), 25

Bonnets like Blazes, 3U4

Bo-peep at Brighton, 191

" Borne on the Bolts of Jove," 207

Bravo, Toro ! 193

Brayed to Death, 1

Brig o' Brigs (A), 288

Britannia Vindex i 197

Bull-Dog and Budget, 191

Business for the Bench, 101

But too certain, 95

By a Jinpo, 207

By Heat Measure, 143

By our own MisogyDist, 149

By the Admiralty, 276

" Canards aux Olives,'' 88

Capital Joke (A), 293

Chair to Mend (A), 174

Change of Association, 305

Charity under the Rose, 197

Charles James Mathews 301

Check to Cockney Sportsmen, 305

Chelsea and China, 240

Christmas Cats, 22

Christmas Cookery, 45

City Legges, 100

CockDey Con,, 133

Cockneys and Commons, 221

Comfortable Quarters, 2P3

Coming from the Dogs, 192

Common Sense and Clothes, 181
Compensation, 198
Competitive Cricketers, 245
Compound Lawyer of tho Future (The),

Congress and Cookery, 287
Congress (The), 290
Constitutional Bight (A), 61
Contradiction (A), 204
Cordial Relations. 138
Correct Colours (The), 157
Country and the Government (The),

Cousin Amy's View, 214

Crown Brilliants, 17

Cry from Cam (A), 169

Cry from the " Agony Column " (A), 85

Curious Composition, 277

Daring Defiance, 125

Dark Horse (The), 261

Datur Hora Quieta, 270

Declaration of War, 97

Definition Anagrammatical, 137

Definition for the Porte, 293

Derby Glossary (A), 256

Diary of a Weather Wise-acher, 12

D;plunacy, 89

Disciplinarian (A), 37

Doctors' Bills in Detail, 21

Dog-roasting and its results, 96, 109

" Dogs of War " (The), 264

Dose for the Khedive (A), 90

Doubtful, 5, 160

Dream-Groups at the Academy, 240
Easter Eggs, 180

Easter Holiday Penances for Politicians,

Easter (n) Question (The), 150
Echoes from Ascot, 277
Echoes of Epsom, 256
Encouragement for the Army, 252
Epitaph on Lafitte, 126
Essence of Parliament, 26, 38, 50, <fcc.
Everybody's Business, 29
Excellent Authority (An), 209
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit, 156
«• Eurydice " (The), 149
Everybody's Friend, but Nobody's Police-
man, 90
Facons de Parler, 282
Fair-Play, 120

Fair Sex and the Faculty (The), 34

February Fly (The), 95

Feeling of the City, 24

Fellow Feeling (A), 196

Females and Feesicians, 100

Figaro a Londres, 9

Fighting Ship of the Future (The), 277

Fillip for the Faithful (A), 157

" Fine Feathers make Fine Birds," 57

Finishing for Faces, 172

Fizz at Evening Parties, 57

Flora's Anathema, 125

Flying Shots, 77

Food for Foreigners, 221

Foot-race of the Future (A), 1J6

For Leisure Moments, 263

For the Oxford Crew, 168

Friends and Foes of Peace, 108

From Africa, 47

From a Good Samaritan, 77

From an American-Cousin-Critical, 276,


From the olher Point of View, 37

Fruits of Diplomacy (The), 300

Gamekeepers and Poachers, 45

George Cruikshank. 53

Getting on Swimmingly, 207

"Give! Give!" 167

Going the Wrong Way about it, 245

Golden Wedding (A), 222

Gold in Egypt, 217

Gold in New Guinea, 107

Good French Lesson (A), 5

Gout and its Cure, 240

Gratifying Intelligence 84

Great Gun on the Bench (A), 119

Groan from the School-room (A), 97

Hankey Paukey, 2( 5

Harvey a Humbug I 157

Haunted Limbo (The), 223

Headstrong Allegories, 113

Hellas's Anti-Russian Oath, 101

Here, There, and Eveiywhere, 83

Highly Reliable, 287

Hint from " Hieover " (A), S01

Hippo's Farewell, 132

Holiday Work, 288

Homage to Harvey, 239

Home-Rulers in Harness, 217

Honour where it is Due, 252

Horace and the Cabinet, 163

How it Happened, 234

How to Keep it up, 12

How to make the most of it, 59

Hound and the Rifle (The), 1

Hunting and Baiting, 69

Hyde Park Echoes, 107

Hymen, O HymeDsea! Hymen ades, O

Hjmeneea ! 133
If so, why so ? 60
Ibis Robur et Ms Duplex, 205
Imp of Istamboul (The), 150
In a Ball-room, 149
Infant Welshing, 18
In Memoriam—Bishop of Lichfield, 185
In the Art-Lists, 20rt
Iiish Becommendation (An), 210
Irish Boad-Scrapings, 168
James Hain Friswell, 131
Jenkins's Jottings, 2V9
John, Earl Russell, 204
July Jottings, 304
Justice to Scotland, 203
Keble (College and Poet\ 195
Khe>live's Last Dodge (The), 57
Knowledge Most Wanted (The), 252
Language of Diplomacy (The), 281
La Sfumata, 89
Latest from Paris, 216
"Latest Intelligence" (The), 232
Law and Licence, 217
Law Case of the Future (A), 11
Law Mender and Law Martyr, 252
Laws for Lady Undergraduates, 33
Lay of the Limp One (The), 2S0
Left in Charge, 279
Lesseps, Sing Small! 35
Licking and Loving, 109
" Light come, light go," 288
Little Suspected, 84
Long Look-Out a-head (A), 3

Looking up, by JiDgo ! 232

Lord Beaconsfield's Diapason, 184

Lord Mayor on Desertion (A), 209

Lord Mayor's Oracles, 233

Lucus a Non Lucendo, 221

Lying Spirit (A), 1i

Maid of Athens, 126

Many Happy Beturns, 35

Marked Men, 138

Mary Anner on a Monster, 13

Mephistopheles and Margaret 217

Mere Matter of Words (A), IS I

Missing from the Champ do Mars, 216

Missing Link (The), 181

Mistaken Identity, 59

Misunderstood, 210

Mitreful of Money (A), 42

Modest Suggestions, 120

Mr. Punch's Own Prophecy, 73

Mr. Punch's Social Codo. 305

Mrs. Grundy on the Coming Costume, 168

Mumpkins on May, 240

" Musam Tenui Meditatur Avena," 245

Muscle and Mind, 245

Music in the Maskelyne Stjle, 204

Mutual Insurance, 216

" Mysterious Cabinet Trick •' (The), 42

Natural Mistake, 281

Natural Selection, 244

Natural Succession, 119

Neatly Adapted, 180

Neptune's Notion, 270

New Leg (The), 306

New Line (A), 145

New Opera (The), 270

New Peer (The), 185

New Pope's First Day (The), 96

New Rules and Regulations for Hyde

Park, 125
New Seats for Old Ones, ISO
New Setting an Old Saw, 245
New Society (A), 22
News of the Week, 144
Nice Order for the Ladies (A), 14
"No Admittance except in Livery," 10
Noble Offer (A), 119
No Small Beer, 300
Note for Noodles, 155
Notices of Motion, 36
Not the Real Article, 150
'' Now, Unmuzzle !" 85
Nox et Pretserea? 205
Obelisk's Last Move but One (The), 263
Obstruction and War, 24
Occupanda est iFjgyptus ! 60
Off the Line, 169

Old Friend in a New L^ght (An), 174
Old Masters at the Academy (The), 21,

54, 72, &c.
Ominous, 83

" One down t'other come on ! " 143
"On" Stanley ! 186
On the Best Authority, 204
On the Dizzy Brink, 18
On the Qui Vive, 185
On the Way to Annihilation, 36
On the Way to Peace, 64
Opening of the French Exhibition (The),

Opposition not Obstruction, 270
Original Earl (An), 60



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Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1878
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1873 - 1883
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 74.1878, Index, S. 311