Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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July 25, 1891.]




Tuesday, July 14.—Madame Nordica is not at her best as Aula.
It lacks colour—that is on the face and- hands, where at least
should be shown some more "colourable pretence" for being the
daughter of so blackened a character as is her father Amonasro,

Amonasro (the Black King). "I am your father. I've kept myself dark
so long that I 're become quite black! "

A'ida (the White Maiden). " Oh ! go away, black man; don't come anigh
me! ! You ought to be Otello to-morrow night."

Little Ravelli-Radames (aside). " No matter what colour, I lore her ! ! "

played as a villain of the deepest dye by M. Deyoyod. When the
celebrated march was heard, the players didn't seem particularly
strong in trumps, and the trumpets giving a somewhat '' uncertain
sound,"—a trifle husky, as if they'd caught cold,—somewhat marred
the usually thrilling effect. Gorgeous scene; and Rayelli the
Reliable as Madames quite the success of the evening. Mile. Guercia
as Amneris seemed to have made up after an old steel plate in a
bygone Book of Beauty. Where are those Books of Beauty now!
And The Keepsake ? TVhere the pseudo-Byronic poetry and the
short stories by Mrs. Namby and Mr. Pamby? But this is only a
marginal note, not in_ the Operatic score. Signor Abramofe was a
powerful Bamphis, his make-up suggesting that his title would be
more appropriately Rumfiz,—which would be an excellent Egyptian
name._ Very good House, but still suffering from reaction after
Imperial visit, and not to recover itself till to-morrow, Wednesday,
when the House is crowded with a brilliant audience to hear a bril-
liant performance of Otello. The Grand Otello Co. Covent Garden,
Limited. Thoroughly artistic performance of Iago by M. Maurel.
His wicked " Credo " more diabolically malicious than ever it was at
the Lyceum ; an uncanny but distinctly striking effect. Then Drurio-
lanus Astronomicus gave us a scenic startler in the way of imitation

Corcnt Garden Stars seen through the Harriscope. -:.

meteoric effect. 'Twas on- this wise:; .of: .course,' neither : Djivbio-
lanus nor any other Manager, can carry on.an operatic .season without

stars, and so they are here, a galaxy of 'em, up above, on the " back
cloth," as it is technically termed, shining brilliantly but spasmo-
dically, strange portents in the operatic sky. Pity Astronomer-
Royal not here to see and note the fact. Next time Otello is given,
if this atmospheric effect is to be repeated, the attendants in the
lobbies might be permitted to supply powerful telescopes at a smaU
fixed charge. But the greatest star of all is Madame Albani as
Desdemona ; a triumph dramatically and operatically. Her song in
the last Act, the celebrated " Willow Song"—which of course no
cricketer ought to miss hearing—was most beautifully and touch-
ingly rendered. Those persons suffering from the heat of a crowded
house, and dreading the difficulty of finding their "keb or ker-
ridge " in good time, and who therefore quitted their seats before
Albani sang the " Willow Song," must, perforce, sing the old re-
frain, " 0 Willow, we have missed you!" and go back for it when-
ever this Opera is played again. M. Jean de Reszke was not, pei'haps,
quite up to his usual form, or his usual former self; but, for all that,
he justified his responsibility as one of the largest shareholders in the
Grand Otello Company, Limited. All things considered, and the last
best thing being invariably quite the best, Otello, or Symphonies in
Black and White, is about the biggest success of the season.


{Accompanying a Set of Verses which She bade me write.)

Only a trifle, though, i' faith, 'tis smart,
A jew cPesprit, not art concealing art,

Fruition of a moment's fantasy,

Mere mental bubbles, verbal filagree.

But, though thy lightest wish I would not thwart,
I prithee bid me play some other part
Another time, and I will give thee carte

Blanche to dictate ; in truth aught else will be
Only a trine,
Compared with versifying. I will dart,
At thy behest, e'en to the public mart

To buy a bonnet, or will gleefully

Carry a babe through Bond Street. My sole plea
Is—no more verses. Surely 'tis, sweetheart,

Only a trifle.

Supplementary and Corrective.—In his Jubilee Number Mr.
Punch remarked, "Merely to mention all the bright pens and
pencils which have occasionally contributed to my pages would
cccupy much space." And space then was limited. But among the
"Great Unnamed" should assuredly have been mentioned W. H.
Wills, one of the originators of Mr. Punch's publication, Clement
Scott the flowing lyrist, and author of " The Cry of the Children,"
&c, Ashby Sterry of "Lazy Minstrel" fame, and "Robert," the
genial garrulous " City Waiter," whilst the names of J, P. (" Dumb-
Crambo ") Atkinson, and E. J. Wheeler, were omitted by the purest
accident. The late H. J. Byron contributed a series of papers. Mr.
Punch hastens to put them— as he would gladly some others—'' on the
list," since, of no .one of them, could it be-truly said "he never would
be missed." •" Habbot " was a misprint'for " Hablot," " Maguin
Hannay" should read "Maginn, Hanxay, &c," and for " George"
Silver " read '• Henry." ■ '

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