Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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December 26, 1891.]



Adscriptus Glebse, 203
Advertisement Extraordinary, 195
After Lunch, 70
After the Season. 61
"After You 1" 198
Alice in Thunderland, 27
All Berry Well, 255
Ancient Milliner (The), 241
" Angels and Ministers of Grace !" 13

"Annals of a Very Quiet Family," 16 L j Christinas Numbers, 291
Annals of a Watering-Place, J3l, 141, 192 ! Civil Sendee Exhibition, 257
Another Strike threatened, 145 | Common Complaint (A), 21

Canine Sagacity, 10S
Capless Maid (the), 63
Carmen Culinarium, 309
Caught by the Classics, 215
Chantrey Bequest a la Mode de Lisle

(The), 1
Charlemagne and I, 161, 185
Chili Pickle (A), 219
Christmas Carol (A), 309

Genuine Regret (A), 108
Georgian Era at the Alhambra (The), 25
German Emperor going Nap (The), It 9
Gilbert a Beckett, 195
Glory at the Lowest Price, 261
" Good-bye, Grandmamma ! " 30
Good New " Times " (The). 269
G. P. and the G. P, O. (The), 191
" Gray's Elegy" Amended, 198
" Great Scot 1" 61
Great Twin Brethren (The), 177
Grouse that Jack Shot (The), 147

Answers to Correspondents, 57, 72, 253, ! Compulsory Greek, 117 ■ Guzzling Cure (The), 131

263 ; Conquered "Worth" (The), 153 ; Hanwelljan Prize Competition, 41

Anti-Hiss-trionie Bird (An), 301 Contribution towards Nursery Rhymes, ] " Hanging Theology," lf.O

Apparently Hard Case (An), 234 225 | Hard Lines for Him, 233

Appropriate Location, 1*8 Coquette of the Period (The), 117 ; Harrying Our Hakims, 201

Armada from the Spanish (The), 159 i " Correct Cards, Gents ! " 2u5 . " Have we forgotten Gordon ?" 78

Creditable Incident in the Next War (A), " Helps " and Whelps, 93

Cricket Paradox (A), 133
Cutting Remarks, 231
Defeat—or Something Near it, 21
Demographic Vade Mecurn (The), 95
" Dick" Power, 279
Difference (The), 63

Arming the Amazons, 270
'Arry in Rome and London, 293
'Arry on a 'Ouse-Boat, 76
Arry on Arrius, 302
" As Good as a Better," 133
"As he'd Like it," 162
Atropos and the Anthropoids, 169
At St. James's Hall, 2
At the Close of the Summer, 168

Henley Regatta, 21
Her Violets ! 57
Hide and Seek, 171
His Greatest Pleasure, 303
Hit and Miss, 48
Holiday Fare in Cornwall, 149
Home, Sweet Home ! 193

"Dilemma" (The), 6 ; Honours Divided, 156

At the Door ; or, Paterfamilias and the , "Disappointment of December" (The), ISO . "Hotel me, gentle Stranger I " 159

Young Spark, 90 Doctor Laurie, 165

At the Italian Opera, 209 Doggerel by a " Disher," 147

"Audi Alteram Partem I 185 | Domestic Cookery, 168

Auld-(er)-man Gray, 72
Aunt at Will (An), 281
Author ! Author 1 25
Automatic Physiognomist (The), 181
Awakening of Father Christmas (The), 3C6
Bacon and a Mouthful, 61
Balder the Fair, 245
Ballade of Evening Newspapers (A), 23
Bardu. Bard, 213
Beggar's Petition (A), 165
" Below the Belt!" 227
Between the Acts, 219
"Big Big D " encored (The), 293
Birds of a Feather, 193
Bishop and the Sea-Serpent (The). 303
Bitter Cry of the British Bookmaker

(The), 155

Bitter Cry of the Outcast Choir-Boy

(The), 141
Blackfriars to Sloane Square, 57
Blendimus I 215
Board on Both Sides (The), 263
Board-School Christmas (A), 287
" Book of Burlesque " (A), 16
Bouillabaisse, 174
Boulanger, 179

Boy the Father of the Man (The), 192
British Association (The), 106
Broadly Speaking, 17
Browning Society Verses, 201
Bumble brought to Book, 110
Bumbledom's Big Opening, 170
Busy Bisley (The), 35
Bv George ! 300
" By Jingo 1" 249

Canadian "Search-Light" (The), 114
Cancel, or Recall, 241

Drawing the Badger, 230
Dwarfs in and about London, 155
Echoes from the Labour Commission, 240
" Egyptian Pet" (The), 246
Election Echo (An), 258
Elevating Exhibition (An), 251
" England, Home, and Beauty ! " 294
English as she is Sung, 288
English Opera as she isn't Sung, 257
"Entertainment," 120
Enthusiasm a la Russe, 50
Essay in Reviewing (An), 189
Essence of Parliament 11, 23, 35, 47, 59,

70 I Imperial Stage-Manager (An), 251

Evolution of Tommy's Private School " In Cellar Deep," 159
Report 204 j International Nursery-Tale Congress, 173

How it's Done, 264
How to be Popular, 84
How to Spend a Holiday on Scientific

Principles, 77
Hygeia Off the Scent, If 6
Hyjinks and Hygiene, 89
Hypnotised Lobster (The), 289
iberian-Hibernian, 78
Idle and the Industrious Apprentice

(The), 222
If the Fashion Spreads, 228
Ignorant Bliss, 131
Illegal Fictions, 291
'Ill-luminants ! 57
Imperial and Operatic, 33
Imperial Impressions, 35

Exit la Claque, S4
Extremes Meet, 153
Fallen Leader (A), 191
Family Ties, 186
Father and Son, 153
Fire King's Abdication (The), 14
" First-Class " Travelling, 111
Follow the Baron ! 269
For the Benefit of Zoilus, 60
Frederick the Great at Burlington House,

Free and Independent, 203
" French as she is Spoke," 89
French as she is "Writ," 231
Friendly Tip to the Fighting Factions, 276
From a Very Occasional Correspondent, 93
From Bright to Dull, 179
From Darkest Africa, 119
From Grandolph the Explorer, 61
From Mashonaland, 239
Garrick School (The), 167

In the Name of Charles Dibdin, 61
Io Triumphe ! 237
James Russell Lowell, 93
Jawful News ! 169
Jeames's Summary, 42
Jolly July. 27

Journal of a Rolling Stone, 156, 168, ltO

Jubilee Greeting (A), 234

Just Caught the Post 1 1S2

Kathleen and Petruchio, 282

Keep Watch I 177

King of the Beasts (The), 141

" Knot"-ical Story of Drury Lane (A), 125

Kurds and Away 1 65

Laissez Faire, 193

Larks for Londoners, 01

Last of the Canterbury Tales (The), 156

Latest from Bobby (The), 228

Latest Weather-wise Doggerel (The), 153

" Latine Doctes," 75

Leaves from a Candidate's Diary, 4, 39, 73

Le Roi (en Garcon) en Voyage, s amuse, 89
Le.-son from the R. N. E. (A), 81
Letters to Abstractions, 17, 25, 1S6, 184,

216, 229, 253, 277
Liberty and Licence, 16
Light Conduct in Heavenly Bodies, 239
Lines by a Lewisham Witler, 114
Literary Intelligence, 239
Little Germania Magnate (The), 258
Little Stranger (A), 213
London's Dilemma, 194
" Long Distance Swim " (A), 66
Lord Lytton, 267
Lost Opportunity (A), 291
Lover's Complaint (A), 81
Lullabv of an Infant Speculator, 221
Manners of Our Children (The), 10S
Many Happy Returns I 126
Marlowe at Canterbury, 145
" Masher's Answer " (The), 241
Mask on a Mask (A), 24
Matter of Course (A), 129
Mayor and an Old Hunter (A), 289
Medicinal Music, 11
Memory of Milton (The), 231
Mems from Monkey-land, 252
Men of the Past, 167
Meredithomania, 49
Metropolitan Minotaur (The), 3S
Miss Decima-Helyett-Smithson-Jackson,


Miss Nomer, 12

Modern " Bed of Procrustes " (The), 138

Modern Cagliostro (The), 155

Modern Traveller (The), 78

Modern Types, 5

Money makes the Man, 177

Monti the Matador, 48

More Excitement in Paris, 149

More Messages from the Mahatmi, 123

Moth-eaten, 53

Motto for the Moment, 191

Mr. Clip's Appeal, 101

Mr. Punch Explains, 2

Mr. Punch's Anti-Labour Congress, 102

Mr. Punch's Naval Novel, 160

Mr. Punch's Quotation-Book, 2

Muscovite Version of a Music - Hall

Chorus, 153
Musical Suggestion (A), 147
Music of the Spheres (The), 177
Naked Truth (The), 276
Name Wanted, 305
Naval Note, 137

Neptune's "At Home;" or, Neighbours

United, 90
New Crusaders (The), 2
New Election " Lay " (A), 45
New Evangel (The), 179
New Leader (A), 51
New Name, 267
New Tory Nursery Rhyme, 61
New Way out of a Wager (A), 165
Night-Mailing, 229
Note (A), 81

Note and Query (A), 147
"Nothing but the Truth," 126
" Nothing in the Papers ! " 106



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Sambourne, Linley
um 1891
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1886 - 1896
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Feuerwehrmann <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Rechteinhaber Weblink
Punch, 101.1891, Index, S. 311