Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[July 2, 1892.

summer's evening, on a bank a-fishing." As Corydon sang, " Fishers must not wrangle." Aha ! his song might be
parodied—for your behoof, Brother Anglers !

0 the brave (Vote) fisher's life We have sly baits in our horn,

Is the best of any ! Party paste and worms too ;

Full of pleasure found in strife, We can work both night and morn,

So beloved of many. Suffer toil and storms too.

Other joys None do fear

Are but toys ; Arms to bear

Only this In the fray ;

Stirring is. Fight away !

For our Will Some sit still,

Polls will fill. And bait with skill.

Power's the only pleasure ! Wire-pullers must not wrangle !

First Angler. Ay, marry, Sir, now you talk like an artist! (Aside ) Only wish William were not here! Then I
might have a chance!

Second Angler (gravely). An art something too artful wholly to hit my taste. (Aside.) Oh, were Solly only away!
Can't speak freely and frankly in his presence.

Mr, Punch (tivigging). Marry, scholars, 'tis little use "muttherin' there as if ye'd been ill-thrated." My best
counsel is at the service of both of you, as old Piscator's was, whether to Venator, Auceps, Peter, or Corydon.

First and Second Anglers (together, eagerly). Well, what think you of my chances at the Gen-?

[Both stop short, and scoivl at each other.

Mr. Punch (winking) singeth

I'm a gay but " leary " Sage, with my one, two, three,
I "m willing to give counsel or wise warning ;

But if it's me you'd pump, with a view to Party " stump,"
You must get up very early in the morning !

There is reason, put into verso, and worthy the consideration of a wise man, as honest old Izaak says.

Second Angler (jjlaintively). But, Master, have you nothing pertinently practical to mix with this frolic discourse,
which, in view of the tremendous issues toward, doth now grow tedious and tiresome ?

Mr. Punch. Cheer up, honest Scholars, and perpend ! I may not mar this bright June day, this sylvan scene, this
quiet swim, with platform platitudes, party bickerings, or wire-puller prophecy. I would rather hear Maudlin piping her
" Milk-Maid's Song," or Corydon trolling his catch. But if it is sage counsel you want, take it. You are about to enter on
a great political fishing match. Fight it out like honest anglers and good-tempered—like those that, as Tzaak hath it, " are
lovers of virtue, and dare trust in Providence, and be quiet, and go a-angling." Fish fair, don't foul your opponent's tackle,
or needlessly disturb his swim. Don't use fancy or poaching baits, nor overmuch ol any. Remember the old angling
maxim : " Swear not, lest ye catch no fish."

"Oaths do fray
Fish away,"

and vituperation loses Votes. Finally, if you be beaten, take your licking like a man—-and an Angler. If further counsel
ye want, you will find it to the full of your joint and several needs and capacities in this my
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