Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Januaby 9, 1892.]



[" The Economic Man, whose sole motive was selfishness,
was created by Adam Smith."—Daily News.]

A century's gone, and still wiseacres plan

A future for the Economic Man ;

But one fatality strikes us as comical,—

That—up to now—he is not economical!

The soulless thing whose motor sole is Self,

Squanders, as well as snatches, sordid pelf.

Perhaps if he could use as well as steal,

The common wealth might prove the common weal.


{Conferred by him, without " Official Notification.")

To Her 3Iost Gracious Majesty.—The Queendom of
his heart.

To the Duke of Clarence, and the Princess 3Iay.—
A Bridal Quick March.

To Prince George of Wales.—A Clean Bill of Health.

To Prince Christian.—" Eyes right! "

To Mr. Gladstone.—Freedom from the City, its fogs,
and politics.

To the Duke of Devonshire.—A Peerage, and the
right successor in Rossendale.

To Mr. Chamberlain.—His Cartoon for the week.

To Mr. Balfour.—An Irish _" Order."

To Lord Randolph Churchill.—"Something new out
of Africa."

To the Peerage.—General Sir Frederick Roberts.
(The greatest " honour " of the lot, by Jove ! "J

To Henry Irving.—"A Health to the King " (Harry
the Eighth), and any number of Nights' (run).

To Johnny Toole.—Rapid recovery, and " another kind
love" from Toole-le-Monde"J

To Mr. Punch's Young Men.—Privy Councillorships
(to the Public) all round.

To Everybody.—A Happy New Yolume !

A Question of Precedence, but not a Precedent.—
It is a gracious act on the part of a Cabman, when, at a
dinner-party, he gives the pas to an Omnibus-driver, at
the same time courteously explaining this waiver of
rights by saying that '' at the present moment he is not
standing on his rank."

"The Complements of the Season." — Christmas


Page Boy {to Jeames). "Where shall I Fur thish 'er Dish ofAmmonds?"
Jeames {with dignity). "I'm surprised, Harthur, that at your Hage you
'aven't learnt 'ow to pernounce the r in Harmonds !"


In continuation of, his interesting notes of incidents connected
with the gathering of Ministers for the last Cabinet Council, Our
Special Reporter states that the only contretemps arose in connection

with the arrival of Mr. Goschen. On
alighting from his coupe the Chancellor
of the Exchequer handed the driver a
dirty crumpled piece of paper.

" Hi! wot's this ?'' shouted the Cabman.
"A one-pound note," said the Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer, blandly ; " give
me the chang-e."

his uneasiness under the cold steel-grey glance of Stratheden.
They finally agreed that the best thing they could do was to set
forth for Berlin, making secret detours in order to call at other of
the principal capitals, and confer with the Foreign Ministers. The
result, we are pleased to learn, has been most beneficial, and has,_ so
to speak, contributed a hodful of mortar to the foundation on which
rests the peace of Europe.

Mrs. Ramsbotham is disposed to regard Homer as over-rated.
The only book of his she ever read, she says, is Bombastical Furioso,
and certainly that did not assuage her appetite for any more.

Mr. Stead has been taking into his confidence a universe thrilled
with interest, with respect to certain presentiments which from time
.rfci^^J ^llL nYz ™nj ! to time have struck his mind. One he dates in October, 1883, at which

time he was sub-editor of an evening journal which Mr. John Morley
then edited. He had, he records, a presentiment that at an early
approaching date, Mr. Morley would have quitted the establish-
ment—dead Mr. Stead genially anticipated—and that he would
reign in Stead. In view of the public interest involved in these con-
fessions, we have interviewed a certain Right Hon. Gentleman as to
his susceptibility to presentiments.

" Well," he replied, "they are not usual with me ; but I remember
that for some time before the date mentioned, I felt that either
Mr. Stead or I must leave the paper."

" you try that on in the City, young feller.
This is too far West."

Mr. Goschen, evidently annoyed, care-
fully selected a worn-out shilling, and
tossing it to the man, stalked haughtily into the Treasury. A moment
later he hurriedly opened the door and looked out for the Cabman, but
he had gone. It was understood, Our Reporter says, that the Right
Hon. Gentleman had thought of a repartee.

The Morning Papers announce, with tantalising brevity, that'' Lord
Stratheden and Campbell has {sic) returned to Bruton Street from
Berlin." We are in a position to add that the occasion of the noble
Lords' journey to Berlin was of international interest. It is no
secret at the Foreign Office that their Lordships have for some
time been uneasy at the turn events are taking in the East.
They have endeavoured to disguise from each other their perturbed
feelings. But Stratheden felt that Campbell's eye was upon him,
whilst Campbell at last abandoned the futile effort of dissembling

One of the earliest volumes issued in connection with the newly-
devised Automatic Library in use on some lines of Railway, is
entitled Beyond Escape. We understand that subsequent volumes
will be Dashed to Pieces, The Broken Bridge, The Sprained Axle,
The Wheelbox on Fire, The Gorgon Guard, The Cruel Cowcatcher ;
or, Cut in Twain, The Colour-Blind Signalman, and Shunted and
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