Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[January 16, 1892.


Serious Artist. "I think you knew the Model for this Figure—poor Beggar, Deaf
and Dumb."

Hist! What is that ? Thought I heard a
low grunt.

Hope not, I'm sure, for I'm sick of stye-
Yoices [brunt;

Arthur of those, has no doubt, borne the

Now in a semi-relief he rejoices
Pigs are fit only for styes and nose-ringing.

Never let Irish ones run loose and root,
Rather wish Arthur were less sweet on flinging

Pearls before pigs; as well feed 'em on fruit.

Hrumph ! There, I thought so! Hrumph!
hrumph ! What a pest!
Sure that big brute has his eye on my ladder.
Has Arthur loosed him P He thinks he
knows best,
But a nasty spill noiv !—nothing well could
be sadder

Brutes always rub their broad backs and stiff
bristles [lor!

Against—anything that comes handy. Oh
How the brute shoulders, and snorts, grunts
and whistles!
Off to the gutter, you big Irish boar I

Not he! He nears me! It is Arthur's pet.

Light ladder this ; would capsize in a jiffy.
His bristles he'd scrape and his tusks he
would whet
Against it, I wish he were drowned in the
_ Liffey!

Whisht ! Gret away ! He 's so heavy and big.
There! round the ladder he 's playing the
fooler. [Pig!

Ah! there 's the rub. Patrick scumfish that
If he doesn't mean deviltry I'm a—Home
Ruler! [Left fidgetting.


Unasked, the Tax-Collector wild
Presents to smirking Mary his

Demand—on what the Roman styled
" Kalendis Januariis."

Unasked, a Christmas-box to gain,
Sweeps, lamplighters, and postmen come ;

Unasked—too often to remain—
The wife's mammas of most men come.

Unasked, it looms—that ophicleide
From Germany, with melodies

Whereat the cow of story died;
Whereat a modern fellow dies.

Unasked, partakes my Christmas cheer,
(Whom oft, my front-door bell at, I've

Surprised, the better much for beer)—
My Cook's fraternal relative.

Unasked, my bills appear in shoals,

" With, compliments" from creditors;
Unasked, in verse I send my soul's
Throbs—with a stamp—to Editors.

Light-hearted Friend. " I know,—used to sit at Corner of Street. Deaf and Dumb ; i
By Jove, you've made a Speaking Likeness of him! Wonderful ! !" Unasked, that editorial pack

1 THERE 'S THE RUB!'" jl'm Champion Bill-Poster! Even Brum


Who flouted me once will acknowledge that

Return my " throbs " in heavy, new,
Crisp envelopes, unstamped, alack !
While I defray the Revenue.

(An Old Story with a New Application.)

Champion Bill-Poster, loquitur :—

"Bill-stickers beware!" Ah! that's all
very well, [ing.
A wondrously wise, if conventional, warn-
But I'm the legitimate " Poster "—a swell
In the paste-pot profession, all "notices"

scorning. error.
A brush surreptitious, and Bills unofficial, Bold letters, brave colour! A poster to

No doubt, are a nuisance to people of taste, j strike,—

To Order offensive, to Law prejudicial, Admiration with some, and with some,

But who can object to my pot and my paste ? ! . perhaps, terror.

. I wish I quite knew that the former prepon-

'Tis time that this Poster were up! Slap- 1 derate,—

dap-slosh ! _ [letters ! j That is, sufficiently. Mutterings I hear,—

fac^ Mrs. Ram's nephew was reading aloud the

Mv Bills are so goey, and fetching, and showv, Prospectus _ of the Clerical, _ Medical, and
My paste so adhesive, my brush so exact! i General Life Assurance Society. She was

Slap-slop-slidder - slosh ! There's " stick-
phast," if you like.
Bill-sticking like this is an Art, and no

I think it a telling one. Brave, Big, Blue
Some rivals about, but their programmes
won't wash; [betters.
Those Newcastle noodles must own us their

But there, 'tis a Bill to admire, and to won-
der at.

Why, after five seasons' success, should I
fear ?

much impressed by the idea of Clerical
Assurance, and expressed herself greatly
pleased at the Yen. Archdeacon Farrar
being one of the Directors. " But what
puzzles me," observed the excellent lady,
"is a paragraph headed 'Disposal of the
Surplice.' I know that, years ago, there
was a ' surplice difficulty.' But I thought
that had been disposed of. Or," she added,
brightening up, as if struck by a happy
solution of the difficulty, "does it mean
that the Clerical Assurance Society means
to take in washing ? Most useful if they do,
and so paying."

Definition of "Chaff."—The husk of Wit.
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