Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[July 2, 1892.

Preserved Venice, 52

Preux Chevalier, 36

Private and the Public (The), 120

Private Reflections of the Public Orator

at Cambridge, 297
"Probable Starters,' 2S2
Prudes and Nudes, 174
Puzzler for a Costumier, 09
Queer Queries, lIS

Queiy by a Depressed Convalescent, 89

Query by " Pen " (A), 94

Question of Politeness, 171

Quite Appropriate, 240

Quite Clear, 9

Quite in Keeping, 273

Rather Large Order (A), 184

Receipt against Influenza, 61

Reckoning without their Host, 222

Recollections of (Cockney) "Arabian"

Days and Nights, 234
Reddie-turus Salutat, 218
" Regrets and Greaves," 246
Rembrandt, Titian, Velasquez, <fec, 180
Reported Disappearance of the Broad

Oauge, 258
Repulsing the Amazons, 216
" Resignation of an Alderman," 280
Respectability, 37
" Returned Empty" (The), 26
Rice and Prunes, 101
Rich v. Poor, 133
Riddle (A), 69, 227
" Ring and the Book" (The), 120
Robert in a Fog ! 24

Robert on the Hartistic Copperashun, 206

Robert's Cure for the Hinfluenzy, 96

Royal Academy Banquet, 222

Saints or Sinners? 205

Sanitary Congress at Venice (The), 39

Scale with the False Weights (The), 124

Screwed up at Magdalen, J18

Seasonable (and Suitable) Good Wishes, 9

Seasonable Weather, 2ii8

S-ttler for Mr. Woods (A), 121

Seven Ages of Woman (The), 230

Shady Valet (A), 195

" Signs" of the Times, 171

Simple Stories, 4

Singular Plurality, 262

Sly Old Socrates, 309

(Soldiers') Life we Live (The), 214

Something New in Soap, fib

Song for Lord Rosebery, 42

Sonnet on the South-Eastern, 218

Spring's Delights in London, 193

Spring Time in Leap Year, 150

bt. J hn's Wood, 262

Strange but True, 87

Strange Charge against a Great Poet, 132
Studies in the New Poetry, 268, 292
Sunday Observance, Lri3
S\llogisms of the Stump, 297
Take Care ! 83

Taking a Sight at Ringandknock, 201
Talk over the Tub (A), 54
"Ta-rii-ra" Boom (The), 149
Telephone Cinderella (The), 162
Telephonic Theatre-goers, 208
Tennysonian Fiagment (A), 89
'•Textuel," 282

Theatres and Music Halls Commission,

Theft v. Thrift, 23

'• There 's the Rub ! " SO

" This Indenture witnesseth," 73

Times Change. 99

Tip from Our Own Booking-Office, 318

Tip-top Tipster (&), 280

'• Tis Merry in Hall," 157

To a Railway Foot-Warmer, 133

To be or Not to be—discovered, 278

To Justice, 9

To Lord Salisbury, 258

To my Cigarette, 53

To my Cook, 201

Too Conscientious, 240

Too Much of a Good Thing, 48

Tooting, 161

To Police-Constables Smeeth and Tappin,

To Queen Coal, 138

To the Future A.R.A., 72

To the Grand Old Tory, 237

To the New " Queen of the May," 210

To the Queen, 61

To the Young City Men, 147

Town Thoughts from the Country, 193

Tramways, 245

Travelling Companions (The), 11, 16, 23,

40, (U, 88
Trial in Novel Form (A), 12
True and Trusty, 70
True Modesty, 241
Truly and Reely, 84
Two Archers (The), 227
Two Dromios. l'J
Two Shepherds (The), 87
Una. and the British Lion, 314
Unasked, 30

Unobserved of One " Observer" (The), 106

Upon Julia's Coat. 189

Useful Cricketer (The), 297

Vans de Luxe, 252

Venice at Olympia, 36

Venice in London, 41

Venice Reserved, 253

" Versailles " in Leicester Square 301

Very " Dark Horse " (A), 270

Very "French before Breakfast," 262

Very Natural Error, 288

Very Orchid ! 168

Vigorous Vicar (The), 288

" Vive la Liberte"! " 106

Volunteer Review at Dover (The), 172

Waiting Game (A), 174

Walt Whitman, 179

Want (A), 193

Water-Colour Room at the Academy

(The), 227
Way they have in the Army (The), 292
Weather Reform, 96
Wellington Monument (The), 213
What do they Mean by it? 129
" When Greek meets Greek," 306
Whipped in Vain, 73
Wilde •' Tag" to a Tame Play (A), 113
Wilful Wilhelm, 146
William the Whaler, 1"0
With their Easter Eggs, 185
World on.Wheels (The), 222
Wrestling with Whistlers, 181
Wright and Wrong, 85
Ye Moderates of London, 145
Young Girl's Companion (The), 204, 216,

225, 252


April Showers; or, A Spoilt Easter

Holiday, 199
Attack on the "Capital" (The), 67
Bogie Man (The), 139
"Coming of Arthur" (The), 91
Coming of Ninety Two (The), 7
Dvnamite Dragon (The), 187
Gift from the Greeks (A), 103
" Her Majesty s Servants," 78, 79
"Innings Closed," 283
January '4. 1892, 43
" Little Holiday" (A), 127
New Monitor (The), 19
New " Queen of the May" (The), 211
" Not at Home ! " 235
Old Sone Revived (An), 295
Other "Westminster Stable" (The), 247
Political Johnny Gilpin (The), 319
Reckoning without their Host, 223
"Short 'Anded," 55
Spring Time in Leap Year, 151
Telephone Cinderella (The), 163
"There's the Rub !" 31
" Under which Thimble ? " 259
Very " Dark Horse" (A), 271
Waiting Game (A), 175
" When Greek meets Greek," 307
Younger than Ever ; 115


..•Esthetic Idea of Plate-Glass Window, 273
Archie's Sister reading Fairy Tales, 174

'Arry 'Untin' in the Frost, 3
An Revoir to the Foxes, 214
Autumn Goods in Pictures, 206
" Bandy" Association playing Hockey, 101
Baronet explains "Early and Late," 260
Barrister suggests a " Bad Objection," 185
" Beaters" after Luncheon, 96
Bismarck Cut by Emperor, 303
Bismarck " Out in the Cold," 62
Black and White Boxing Contest, 287
British Lion and the New Khedive, 38
Buffalo and Broncho at Earl's Court, 276
Bumble and the. Evicted Poor, 14
Burial of the " Broad-Gauge " (The), 267
Candidate Catching, 239
" Champagne flr»t, then Claret," 147
Chancery Judges airing Infant Suitors, 94
Chaplin and the Pigs, 73
Cheeky Artist and German Picture-
Dealer, 1*4
Chief Groups in Commons' Waxworks, 178
Chimes of 1892 (The), 2
" Claiming the Land," 322
Cockney Art-Teacher and Pupil, 238
Cook Basting a Joint, 109
Dancing Lady very much Engaged, 302
Dancing Men at Supper, 126
Dean's Wife and Bishop's Butler, 75
Destroying the Money-Spider's Web, 158
Dissatisfied with her Dressmaker, 54
Dissolution Spectre (The), 2;'0
Doctors Irving and Toole, 3i0
Doctor's Ut'ly Children (The), 222
Drummondo Wolffez, the Bull-fighter, 59
D. T. Patient and his Skeleton, 39
Ed'th's Grace after Pudding, 254
Effie on Rabbits and Multiplication, 246
Ethel and the " Lion of the Season," 209
Ethel's Question on Face and Hair-
Powder, 26s
Faiut Comet (A). 179

Fair Matron and Great Mathematician, 70
Fancy Portrait of Oscar Wilde, 113
Farmer Murphy at the Box-Office, 280
Fashionable Lady's Ugly Side (A), 234
Fashionable Mother's Child's Age, 294
Fat and Thin Pug-Dogs, 102
Father Time and Coming Events, 10
Footman and Page-Boy, 23
Footman recommending a Dentist, 135
Fox-hunters among the Turnips, 29
French and English Infantrymen, 207
General Boombastes Booth, 106
Ueorgie Ponne Gladstone, 279
German Emperor as Jupiter, 110
German Emperor destroying Papers, 146
German William's Whetling Expedition,

Gladstone and Friends' Letters, 311
Golf Implements without the Links, 94
" Good Staving" Mare (A), 61
Grand Old Energy, 130
Group of Goormongs (A), 150
Harcourt as a Commercial Traveller, 274
Haunted House of Commons (The), 251
History Exam, on the Great Sapolio, 210
Housemaid and Footman Conversing, 179
Hou-emaid defines R.S.V.P., 321
House of Lords Waxworks, 107
Hunter hung up on a Stile, 129

Hunting Man has had " a Drop too

much," 37
Hunting Man walks without Boots, 177
Impatient Old Gent at Post-Office, 182
Imperial Jack-in-the-Box (The), 50
Inebriated Gent at Signal-Box, 123
Jones and Dinner Conversation, 282
Jones and Press Criticisms, 66
Judge hearing Two Cases at Once, 65
Judges Serving in Refreshment Bar, 81
Kent Road Belle and Contrast, 291
Labouchere Ferret and Blackmailing

Rat, 148

Lady and Ignorant Voter s Wife, 237

Lady and M.P. meet in the Park, 138

Lady Diana and the Horse-dealer, 159

Lady Harpy (The), 231

La France forsaken by the Russ, 183

Leaving out the " Ought," 194

Little Charlie's Good-bye at a Station, 111

Little Ethel and the Whipped Cream, 198

Little Swell and Wild West Indians, 309

London in Venice, 119

Lovers in a French Cemetery, 25

Maid and Dowager's Dress, 63

Maid who didn't Suit the Situation, 298

Maiden who wishes to be engaged, 69

Mamma on People worth Knowing, 42

Mariana's difficulty with Curling Tong-<, 53

Married Vicar and his Curate, 292

Master administering the Rod, 109

Middy and the Bay-Rum, 153

Middy and the Bishop, 258

Miss Certainage believes she will die

young, 242
Miss Eugenia's Taste for Antiques, 131
Miss Twelfthnight's Characters, 22
Modern Criminal Hero (The), 195
Morley's Stray Sheep, 86
Mr. Punch congratulates Madame Illus-
trated London News, 243
Mr. Punch Golfing, 1
Mrs. Dasher and the Complimentary

Major, 155
New Companion's H.'s (The), 286
New L.C.C. Waxworks (The), 14 2
Newly-Married M.P. and Wife, 306
Old Maid and Chapel going Servant, 193
Our Artist's Execution, 99
Our Little Artist's Tall Women, 270
Over Time in Leap Year, 12
Page-Boy and the Door-Plate, 197
Page-Boy and the Major's Coat, 47
Page-Boy in Love (The), 137
Pair of Old-fashioned Snuffers, 6
Parliamentary Safety Bicycle Champion-
ship, 82

Parliament Member's Thoughts. 903
Pavement Artist at Whistler's Show, 171
Picking a Funny Bone, 186
Picture of " Olympia " (\), 190
Polite 'Bus Conductor (The), 218
Political Lady-Cricketers (The), 2'5
Political Wirepuller at Work (The), 58
Private View, Royal Academy, 215
Prize Idiot with a Cold, 318
Punch and the Lifeboat-Men, 74
Race for the Country (The). 299
Hacer " Majority" Off his Feed, 122
Railway Travellers' Last Match, 114
Randolph returned from Mashonaland, 26
Representations of the London County

Council, 191
" Round " or " Square " ? 15
Royal Parliamentary Tournament, 263
Ruu«inn Recruiting Sergeant and the

Shah, 219

Saivuuon House of Commons (The), 154
Schoolboy making his Sister " Fag," 118
Scotch Gamekeepers and Londoner, 18
Scotchwoman on Lady Doctors (A), 245
Sea-side Ballad-Singer and Old Lady, 21
Short Dancing-Man and his Hostess, 162
Sir Bonamy's Dinner-Book, feO
Sketches in the Saddle, 34
Sketches of Balfour the Leader, 167
Sketching in the Train, 46
Speaking French without an Accent, 214
Speaking Likeness of a Dumb Model, 30
Sporting Gentleman and Parson, 2C0
Street Music, 57

"Through Darkest Lambeth," 315
Tommy and his Grandpapa, 161
Tommy and Jimmy criticising Picture, 262
Two Hamlets (The), 73
Una and the British Lion, 314
Unwilling Imitator of Lottie Collins, 227
Venus of 1*92 rising from the Sea, 293
Volunteer and the Jury List (The), 134
" Waking-up" for the Opening of the

Session, 71
Westminster Waxworks, 1892 (The), 95
William tho Conqueror and the Range

Act, 98

Wishing lie had been a " Bear," 274
Wishing Mamma was a Kangaroo, 304
Worried Journalist and Philistine Wife, 27
Young Lady Popular Novelist (A), 83
Young Wite and Club Telephone, 51
Young Wife and Old Spinster, 87




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Sambourne, Linley
um 1892
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1887 - 1897
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Rechteinhaber Weblink
Punch, 102.1892, Index, S. 324