Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale <al-Qāhira> [Editor]; Mission Archéologique Française <al-Qāhira> [Editor]
Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes: pour servir de bullletin à la Mission Française du Caire — 39.1921

DOI article:
Gunn, Battiscombe G.: "To have recourse to" in egyptian
DOI article:
Gunn, Battiscombe: A note on the verb WRS
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[2] B. GUNN. 109

5. "Perhaps", says Sinuhe to the god vvho had ordained his flight, "tliou wilt
suffer me to see J e o i ♦ ^ ^ the place where my heart always is", B.i 58.

6. ^ ™^ * i ^~ P "I am always weeping about it", Kahun Papyri,
pl. 3o, 18-9.

7. "The King's son Hardedef said : 'There is a commoner whose name is Dedi.....

He knows how to attach a head that is eut off; he knows how to cause a lion to walk
close behind him vvith its ieash on the ground. And he knows the number of the

locks(?) of the fastness of Thoth.' |(I-Ï:T! _L + *C> J \!i

King Khufu was always seeking for himself the locks(?) of the fastness
of Thoth, to make himself the like of them for his 'Horizon' (So he told his son
to fetch Dedi)." Westcar, 7, 6-7.

8. ^ ^7 Vî oZ ~ "They (the Libyans) are always passing through the land".
Mariette, Karnak, 53, 22.

9. |^^©"îw*1 JIPï^liiYTl""^!"! "He spent ail his lime in hunting
the beasts of the désert", d'Orbiney, 9, 9-10, 1.

10. ;;»7§^Cm I^ZÏ74 CI "The fourth time of making
supplication to thee! Shall I then give up ail my time to it?". The use of r here
instead of the usual hr is doubtless expressive of purpose. Peasant, Bi, 22/1-225.

B. GuNN.