Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie — 1(37).2012/​2013

DOI Heft:
Część III. Wspomnienia / Part III. Reminiscences
DOI Artikel:
Wiercinśka, Janina: Dr Aleksandra Krzyżanowska: (24 czerwca 1928 - 11 kwietnia 2012)
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Going into early retirement in 1986, she did not leave the museum or the Department of
Coins and Medals behind, and remained involved in their work. In 2000 we celebrated the
golden anniversary of her work at the museum.4 She conducted research almost until the end
of her life. In 2009 her research on the coins discovered during Polish excavations in Tell Atrib
in Egypt was published.5 Her study of the Black Sea coins in the collection of the National
Museum in Warsaw awaits publication as part of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.
We are bidding farewell to Dr Aleksandra Krzyżanowska, who was not only an outstanding
numismatist and museum specialist, but also a splendid individual. We will remember the light-
ness and grace with which she moved among the hundreds of coins of antiquity, the fascinating
stories she told about them. No detail of even the most worn-out coin escaped her keen eye.
She was an extremely perceptive and intuitive researcher, an invaluable source of knowledge
about the history of the Department of Coins and Medals and the National Museum.
Her passing marks the end of an era and of an atmosphere, which she created with her
personality, which emanated tranquillity, serenity, friendship and generosity.
Janina Wiercińska

4 On this occasion, the editors of Wiadomości Numizmatyczne dedicated a double issue to Dr Aleksandra
Krzyżanowska as a festschrift. See Wiadomości Numizmatyczne, 1-2, XLIII (1999).
5 Krzyżanowska, “Les monnaies,” in Tell Atrib 1985-1995, vol. 2, Centre d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne de
FAcadémie Polonaise des Sciences et Centre Kazimierz Michałowski dArchéologie Méditerranéenne de 1 Université
de Varsovie (Warsaw: Editions Neriton, 2009), pp. 75-203.