Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 2.1894

DOI Heft:
No. 8 (November, 1893)
DOI Artikel:
The Arts and Crafts Exhibition: Second notice
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The Arts and Crafts Exhibition, 1893

first time so far as they were
concerned. The books and
their bindings in this room
demand far more detailed
study than we are able togive.

As Mr. Cobden-Sander-
son's work is illustrated
and explained elsewhere in
this number, here it will
suffice to note that his ex-
ample has led other ama-
teurs to seriously attempt
the most difficult craft of
fine bookbinding. Among
these the work of Miss E.M.
MacColl (illustrated in the
last number), Miss Irene
Nichols, and that of Sir
Edward Sullivan, are con-
spicuously good in orna-
ment. Others naturally of
consummate excellence in
technique, are the three
beautiful bindings executed

by J. Zaehnsdorf after de-
signs by Lewis F. Day,
which he has kindly allowed
us to reproduce here ; de-
scription is therefore need-
less, but despite the fair
ideas these miniatures give,
they fail to represent their
full beauty. The vellum-
bound books of the Kelm-
scott Press from the Doves
Bindery, are so dainty and
yet so strong and service-
able, that it is difficult to
praise them too highly.

Among designs for cloth-
bindings, the exquisite Sti-
ver - points, Oscar Wilde's
Poems, and Lord deTabley's
Poems, after C. S. Ricketts
designs, are a revelation to
those who see them here
for the first time, and even

possessor of first editions