Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 2.1894

DOI Heft:
No. 8 (November, 1893)
DOI Artikel:
Art school notes
DOI Artikel:
New publications
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Art School Notes—-New Publications

ART SCHOOL NOTES. name was not evident upon it. Other interesting

items were contributed by Messrs. Powell Chase,

An exhibition of students' work is always in- Sandeison, Gerald Ackermann, A. Winter Shaw,

teresting and valuable, and that of the Sketching and Misses Mitchell, Homan, and the Baroness

Club of the National Art Training School, recently Orczy. Mention of The Victor by Mr. Jackson, of

held at South Kensington Museum, especially so the Camden Club, must not be omitted, nor the

in view of the varied criticisms which that institu- fact that the Heatherley Club obtained five out of

tion has to endure. It may be said shortly that, the ten prizes awarded,
from whatever cause, the general result in this

instance is at least equal to what could be NEW PUBLICATIONS
achieved by most other Schools of Art in the

country; although in a few sections, black and The Temple Church. By T. Henry Baylis,

white, for instance, a most lamentable weakness is Q.C. (London: George Philip & Son.)—The very

displayed, only a single exhibit, that of Mr. first chapter heading in this historical record and

Clifford, having any practical value whatever. guide, " The Temple Church; the way to and

In the classes of water-colours, Messrs. Georges how to gain admission," is curiously full of sug-

and Hankey display some very promising work—a gestion. Did space permit, an essay might be

strong study of fir-trees with a charming effect of written whereof the text would be the ignorance

evening light and distance, by the latter, being of the whereabouts of local antiquities of the great

noteworthy. R. Bush has some dainty sea effects, city. It is not easy to imagine a more useful

and good renderings of landscape are shown by guide, nor one more free from the turgid eloquence

the Misses M. Woodward, E. Wall, and C. A. which disfigures the average cathedral handbook.

Jones. The set exhibited by F. V. Burridge has By permission of the publishers we reproduce a

much merit as being a praiseworthy, if not quite block of The Pegasus, the device which the

successful, attempt Inner Temple as-

to get beyond that rrr -—--------■-------—........--—.......-. -77^ sumed in the fifth

ness which satisfies ■ <—| WS, J beth. It is taken
so many young art- j f1 IF "■ ':. /^j*. • WF'■ ( from an old wall
ists. The prizes for ' ■•y^~~-t^f tablet in the Inner
"Landscapes in |i3 , —, w , j / Temple fire engine-
Oils " are taken, in 1 «* **"*|r >0< ^H^SfP J ' house. Theillustra-

the advanced sec- i;" * —... '' ^ . ; -- tions are chosen with

tion, by O. B. Mor- " .' great discrimination,

gan, with some sym- ,. , /Sw.' «»*r and include six other

pathetic colour- J ' w^**? round churches,

studies; and in mmmw . \ " "' / "• which are valuable

section B, by H. JHf^^^^^^* "': for comparative

K. Rooke, whose ——-•--■■—■■-—-—;___._:_Uw- .:~'2'J study. It is not the

quite sincere attempt province of The

at truthfulness well "the pegasus." from the temple church. Studio to investi-

deserves the award. (by permission of messrs. george philip and son.) gate the facts of the

Other good work in history and archseo-

oils was shown by Messrs. Watson and Brown, and logical lore herein, but granted their accuracy, there

a set of panels modelled in low relief by Miss can be no doubt that Mr. Baylis has arranged them

Steele are also very creditable. in a most attractive way. His book sets you plan-

The etching prize was taken, after a very close ning a long quiet stroll through the building, with

competition, by Mr. Schroder, who is, however, the volume for a cicerone and a wise gossip, yet a

run hard by Miss J. Harrison (to whom an extra silent one, unlike its human prototypes,

prize is given), Messrs. Bryden and Burridge. It The binding of the editio7i de luxe deserves a

is pleasant to see that in this class experiments are word of praise, although it is odd to meet a design

being made in the too much neglected processes familiar on the first edition of Mr. Oscar Wilde's

of aquatint and soft-ground etching. poem, embellishing the back of a volume which

The Suffolk Galleries were open lately for a single the least orderly librarian could never consciously

day with a very interesting show of students' work, place in juxtaposition to it. The pleasure derived

contributed by members of nineteen clubs. The from Mr. Baylis's labour by all who look at the

uncarpeted stairs and bare walls lent an air of Temple as a peculiarly sacred spot in the history

actual business to the Exhibition, and which the of our own land, cannot be easily estimated, for

character of the works maintained. The Heather- such books are few; and this with its business-like

ley Club were well to the front, with Granville Fell's plan, and its thoroughly practical information, will

Chivalry, a really fine composition, superb in colour, be most useful to visitors and students alike,

and H. A. Simpson's Geraint, whose very clever bas- The Little Mermaid, and other Stories. By Hans

relief also deserves high commendation. The Christian Andersen. Translated by R. Nisbet

modelling was especially good, notably Perseus Bain. Illustrated by T. R. Weguelin. (London:

by W. F. Clark, and a Hercules by a student whose Lawrence & Bullen.)—The publishers of this charm-