Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI Heft:
No.127 (October, 1903)
DOI Artikel:
Veer, Lenore van der: The London sketch club and its members
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The London Sketch Club

inspiration of the moment, the quick grasp
of subject and decision of expression, must
bear the touch of individuality to a much
more convincing degree than an elaborated
picture in which the vividness of a first
impression is lost in an over-zealous attention
to detail, and in the all-too-studied surface

The coming together week after week of
the same workers, each to dash off in the
mood of the moment an illustration from a
common subject, is in itself stimulating, while
the friendly criticism and suggestion should
add to a man's stock-in-trade. In a way
the sketch club idea keeps the men always
students, each one being his neighbour's
master, although his criticism takes merely
the form of an exchange of courtesies. Every
member takes a personal interest in every

portrait of cecil aldin

an earnest member of the club

by lance thackeray

A^^4pk^ other man's work, sharing his proud
rilr^^^S^-. moments and bemoaning his failures,
for it all must reflect back to the
common centre of interest—the club.
\ One feels this very strongly in the

J J exhibitions, when the private-view day

brings together all the members and
^"""N the chosen few non-members who are
, J rated as specially interested in the

■"■"^""-^ sketches and the sketchers. The air is

all a-snap with enthusiasm, and the way
j> ft in which one man greets another and

K« C drags him about from canvas to canvas,

would lead one to fancy they were old
friends, long separated, instead of
/ fellow-workers of a weekly rendezvous.

' If any member fails to send in his con-

by john hassall tribution to the show, there are a good