Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI Heft:
No.129 (December, 1901)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in " The Studio" Prize Competitions

they are mounted. The Decimus Saxon is
perhaps the best, realising well the shrewd self-love
of the subject; and the Mrs. Gamp and Mrs.
Malaprop, though they fail to bring out all the
humour of those two immortal women, are also
fairly satisfactory.

Among the various reprints of old and well-
known volumes which have lately been published,
the series now being issued by Messrs. Methueh &
Co. of illustrated books of the earlier part of the
last century will be particularly welcome to the
many who are unable or unwilling to pay the high
prices which the original editions now command.
The works which have already appeared are The
Tour of Dr. Syntax, The Second Tour of Dr.
Syntax, The English Dance of Death, The History
of Johnny Quae Genus—all by the same author ;
The Life of John Mitton and The Life of a Sports-
man, by Nimrod ; Handley Cross and Jorrocks's
[aunts and Jollities, by Surtees ; The Vicar of
Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith; and Blake's
Illustrations of the.Book of Job. The reproductions
in a reduced size of the original coloured illus-
trations are an especial feature of the series.

The amount of artistic labour annually bestowed
upon the making of Christmas and New Year cards is
considerable, and the employment afforded to busy
minds and hands is especially satisfactory to remem-
ber in these days, when the lack of appreciation by
the public in general of artistic work makes the
living of a painter and designer a somewhat pre-
carious one. In looking through the selection of
this year's cards forwarded to us for review by
Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons, we find much to
commend and something to deplore. Most of the
best designs—and there are many excellent ones—
are printed without the name of the artist. It is a
source of regret to us that this should be so gener-
ally the rule, for whenever good work is done we
consider it fair to the worker that he should have the
full credit of his performance, whether his name be
known to the public or not. We should like to have
made favourable comment upon some of these pub-
lications by nameless men, because their works are
to us of much greater interest than photographic
representations of well-known pictures by deceased
painters. With this reservation, we can but applaud
the taste and discretion of the publishers in their
selection and manner of production of the very
extensive and beautiful assortment of almanacs
and cards now offered by them. Messrs. Hills &
Co. have also produced a varied collection of
cards well designed and well printed, which should
appeal to a wide circle of patrons, while Mr.

Mortimer, of Halifax, has again issued a book
of "private" cards, in which are many attractive


Design for a Painted Decoration of a
Porcelain Jug.

No designs of even second-rate quality have
been sent in for this competition, and the prizes
are therefore withheld. Scarcely one of the draw-
ings submitted betrayed so much as an elementary
knowledge of the technique of this kind of work,
and it is evident this is one of the branches of
art that is badly neglected in the schools.

Design for a Book-Plate (Ex-Libris).

The First Prize {One Ginned) is awarded to
Marguerite (Elisabeth Weinberger, Schiller-Strasse
127, Charlottenburg).

The Second Prize {Haifa-Guinea) to Lino
(Clifford J. Beese, 22 Hythe View, Thorpe Road,

Hon. mention: Curlew (Lennox G. Bird);
Hestersum (E. H. Roberts Collings); Light (Sydney
R. Turner); Kit (Katharine Richardson); Cayuse
(Alexandrine McEwen); Cocorico (Andre Godard);
Force (George J. Cox); Merry (Thomas Frost);
Coon (R. C. West); Alex (Alex Scott Carter);
Dandelion (Lucy Renouf); Lsca (Ethel Larcombe);
Leo (Lionel A. Bowen).


The First Prize {One Guinea) has been won
by Touchstone (F. J. Mortimer, 10 Ordnance Row,

The Second Prize {Haifa-Guinea) by Nord-
heim (E. Hepburn, Nordheim, Sidcup).

Hon. mention : Basgnaise (Miss F. Mordaunt);
Casa (C. E. Wanless); Oceanic (No coupon);
Nerui (J. Bertoglio); Lys (O. Sella); Black Cat
(Miss S. Aird); Bolerion (P. H. Coles); Evets
(S. J. Nunn); Halation (Burdus Redford); Yashe-
nak (Miss M. Grant); Saltaire (H. Wanless);
Haze (Miss A. B. Warburg); Mark Anthony (Miss
M. G. Johnstone); Dutchman (T. L. Cooper);
Wiirm (M. Masius); Alcor (D. A. Rabadan);
Touchstone (F. J. Mortimer); Mask (T. Kent);
Ebb-tide (S. Hornor); and Hoop van Zegen
(K. Roelants); Madel (Miss M. de Jonge); Gorles-
ton (B. Moore).