Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 130 (January, 1904)
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1 cm
Studio- Talk

STUDIO-TALK and there are excellent contributions also from Mr.

(From our Own Correspondents) J. W. North, Mr. Robert Little, Mr. Walter West,

LONDON.—The Royal Society of Painters Mr. Eyre Walker, Mr. Anning Bell, Mr. James

in Water Colours has arranged for its Paterson, Mr. Reginald Barratt, and Mr. R. W.

winter exhibition a very attractive collec- Macbeth. As a special feature the collection of

tion of drawings. Among them there fifty-nine drawings presented by the members and

are many which can be unreservedly praised as associates of the Society to the King and Queen

rapid and expressive studies of Nature, as frank on the occasion of the Coronation has been in-

sketches unspoiled by any of the affectations which eluded in the exhibition,

are apt to creep into more highly finished works -

painted expressly for exhibition. These sketches There was in the winter exhibition of the New
give an acceptable character to the show, a fresh- English Art Club much that could be accepted as
ness, and an unconventionality which are novel representing the best intentions of the group of

young artists who control
the policy of that ener-
getic associaton. Mr.
P. W. Steer's landscapes,
The Shower and Richmond
Castle, Yorks, must be
specially mentioned as
admirably studied records
of atmospheric effects, and
the first of them par-
ticularly as a most success-
ful rendering of luminous
and delicate aerial colour.
Mr. Mark Fisher's Irish
Pastoral, Mr. W. W. Rus-
sell's Barnard Castle in
Teesdale, Mr. James
Henry's High Tide at Hayle
silver box, with enamel and turquoise and by w. s. hadaway and The River Bank, and

silver pendant with enamel and pearls

enough to be worthy of -~—BKmMjj»jjH£SpB^fiS|jBfi lj|IIBB!^B["l3S^^^r^^jlH'ii

note. The most memor-
able things in the gallery J||HBBgj!^^

are Sir E. A. Waterlow's jU^MKBKKBK' W^^^mSBB^^^^

On the Ouse, Huntingdon- P fm j~

shire, and Sheltered Pas-

tures; Mr. David Murray's 1 !
Willie Lotts Bam, Flat-
ford, Suffolk; Mr. Albert :
Goodwin's The Avon, \ >

Salisbury ; Mr. Napier
Henry's seapiece, The
Haunt of the Sea Birds; '

Mr. R. W. Allan's North B^^^BHBBBS^"™^ fBHHBBHBHHBffl

Sea Coast; Mr. J. R. Ml^si^liBHMBB^%^»">

Weguelin's exquisite nude ■E5m» '■^^^^^^^^HBHBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sBp

study, Echo; and Mr.


ingly clever fantasy, The

aj /' letter-case in green morocco designed by d. s. maccoll

King and the Swineherd; (See London Studio-Talk) executed by miss maccoll
