Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI issue:
No. 130 (January, 1904)
DOI article:
Levetus, A. S.: Modern Austrian wicker furniture
DOI article:
Van der Veer, Lenore: The drawings of Stephen B. de la Bere
DOI Page / Citation link: 

1 cm
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S. B. de la Bere

basket-work, the designs being specially made attention it is necessary to do something very
by Mr. Vollmer. startling. His work in its present stage betrays re-

in her endeavours to do the best possible for flections of nearly every well-known poster artist
her children, the Austrian Government, by having exaggerated into his own conception of the most
patterns made in the Prag-Rudniker pattern work- bizarre and ugly things imaginable; and while his
shops, and distributing them gratis to the small individual gifts are too pronounced to lose entirely
makers, enables them to keep up with the times— their identity in his many art infatuations, his work
a thing which, under other circumstances, would will improve when he has outgrown these affecta-
be a practical impossibility, for these small manu- tions and evolved a style more clearly his own.
facturers have their homes in the different crown The French School claims the greater part of
lands, and have neither the necessary education his admiration, and Steinlen, that gifted Frenchman
to create new designs nor the means to pay whose work has been the pitfall of so many indi-
anyone to make them. And in this alone the vidualities, is the man who has most influenced
Austrian Government, through the ministerium of him. But in working along the ways of Steinlen
Cultus and Unterricht, might serve as an example the young artist has quite overlooked the fact
to all nations. A. S. Levetus. that the older man has lived a fine life close

to humanity, has listened to her heart-throbs,

THE DRAWINGS OF STEPHEN has delved into and discovered some of the inner
B. DE LA BERE. BY L. VAN mysteries of the soul; and that although he chooses
DERVEER t0 depict ^e amongst the lowly, he does so with a

dignity and refinement of feeling which at once
Among the interesting winter exhibitions the distinguishes his conceptions from those of the
Bruton Gallery contributes a distinct novelty in man who works merely from the outside. To
presenting a collection of water-colours and oils paint tatters and debauchery one must understand
by Mr. De la Bere, a young
English artist whose draw-
ings, in spite of their ugli-
ness and bizarre brutality,
are decidedly clever.

Mr. De la Bere has not
long been free from his
student life at the West-
minster School of Art,
where he studied under
Mouat Loudon, and where
his portion of the school
exhibitions always attracted
the lion's share of attention
on account of their daring
and cleverness. In examin-
ing the one hundred or
more pictures shown in the
present exhibition one was
struck first with the unusual
talent of the artist, and with
his remarkable delineation
of the coarse and vulgar
side of humanity.

De la Bere is a very clever
young man—so clever, in
fact, that one hopes when
he grows older that he will

.MMEMIiiJllMBMyI (WHil i 'i ill
become less fond of the „By order of the seneschal» by s. b. de la bere

idea that to attract public (By permission of W. F. Foster, Eiq.)
