George Wilson
THE WORK OF THE LATE efforts of his intimate and personal friends, for a
GEORGE WILSON. BY LEO- collection of his work to be got together in an
NORE VAN DER VEFR exhibition at the rooms of the Aberdeen Artists'
Society. It was then that his name first became
The first of the neglected artists' series of exhibi- known, not only to the art world, but to his own
tions was opened at Mr.'john Baillie's Art Gallery country-people.
in Princes Terrace, London, at the end of Sep- Concerning Wilson's life, little can be told be-
tember, with the work of the late Mr. George yond what he expressed in his pictures. He was
Wilson, a Scottish painter of ability and charm. a man of considerable gifts, with a temperament
On the ist of April, 1890, George Wilson died keyed to the most exquisite enjoyment of the fine
at Castle Park, Huntly, at the age of forty-one, and beautiful. Modest and retiring of disposition,
leaving behind him some beautiful paintings, he lived in an idealistic thought-atmosphere created
which were, however, appreciated only by a very by bis natural refinement of mind and visionary
few of his intimate friends ; for during his lifetime nature. His impressions were gained through an
he was practically a recluse from art circles, known impulsive, vivid grasp of the thing before him,
and understood by few. and his work, though of the most careful and pains-
That during his working years Wilson's talent as taking, was more the result of quickly-decided
a painter, distinguished as it was by fine colour, a execution than of quietly-thought-out detail,
characteristic quality and power of design, and Wilson painted because he loved to paint, and
much feeling for beauty, should have gone un- to please himself rather than the great world
noticed seems scarcely credible. It was not, beyond his studio walls, and he only painted the
however, until several years after his death that things in nature that really appealed to him, and
sufficient interest was aroused, through the tireless that he loved because of their beauty or purity or
(By permission of Dr. J. Todhtmter)
THE WORK OF THE LATE efforts of his intimate and personal friends, for a
GEORGE WILSON. BY LEO- collection of his work to be got together in an
NORE VAN DER VEFR exhibition at the rooms of the Aberdeen Artists'
Society. It was then that his name first became
The first of the neglected artists' series of exhibi- known, not only to the art world, but to his own
tions was opened at Mr.'john Baillie's Art Gallery country-people.
in Princes Terrace, London, at the end of Sep- Concerning Wilson's life, little can be told be-
tember, with the work of the late Mr. George yond what he expressed in his pictures. He was
Wilson, a Scottish painter of ability and charm. a man of considerable gifts, with a temperament
On the ist of April, 1890, George Wilson died keyed to the most exquisite enjoyment of the fine
at Castle Park, Huntly, at the age of forty-one, and beautiful. Modest and retiring of disposition,
leaving behind him some beautiful paintings, he lived in an idealistic thought-atmosphere created
which were, however, appreciated only by a very by bis natural refinement of mind and visionary
few of his intimate friends ; for during his lifetime nature. His impressions were gained through an
he was practically a recluse from art circles, known impulsive, vivid grasp of the thing before him,
and understood by few. and his work, though of the most careful and pains-
That during his working years Wilson's talent as taking, was more the result of quickly-decided
a painter, distinguished as it was by fine colour, a execution than of quietly-thought-out detail,
characteristic quality and power of design, and Wilson painted because he loved to paint, and
much feeling for beauty, should have gone un- to please himself rather than the great world
noticed seems scarcely credible. It was not, beyond his studio walls, and he only painted the
however, until several years after his death that things in nature that really appealed to him, and
sufficient interest was aroused, through the tireless that he loved because of their beauty or purity or
(By permission of Dr. J. Todhtmter)