Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI Heft:
No.127 (October, 1903)
DOI Artikel:
Soissons, S. C. de: The etchings of Camille Pissarro
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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The Etchings of Camille Pissarro

stable shapes or permanent colours.
The sun, making its arch over the earth,
changes several times during twenty-
four hours the shapes and colours of
all objects. A mountain, which looks
dark when the, sun is behind it, seems
a bright, large surface when the sun is
in front of it. The green leaves of
bushes, seen against the sun, change
into a gray mass, with white spots;
the snow, when one looks at it while
turning one's back towards the setting
sun, seems red and brighter than the
sky, but it looks dark gray if one gazes
at it against the twilight.

Light gives an expression to Nature—
an expression corresponding with that
of a human face. If one remembers
the phenomena of light seen simul-
taneously with other phenomena, if one
remembers their mutual relation, then,
by the association of ideas, there



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' une ruellb a rouen by camille pissarro

rises in the human mind
a number of impressions,
produced, in the first place,
by the effect of light.
Besides this, the light,
concentrated on certain
points, attracts the special
attention of the spectator.
Therefore light can be,

f^^^^&^^^Oj'^"" ~' ''1^f',^^^^-\:k^^t ' f/tfMm ^"l and must be employed

b . h-, i.'ijjajjj- ,^aPf7^|;-86 Sjj&Bty' i in the art of painting,

7 I] I ' , Wmk'i I firstly, in order to produce

| , 8 * 'J A » '*« .^i 'Wj i the illusion of space and

i WSmmtfm IWl W^r 7W.. shape; secondly, for the

- 1 Is I*?'.1 If'1 <i purpose ot drawing the

i i i • '' iji'Cr. ''7'aB Z*Sm ' attention of the spectator

, . i.", i' *,» j' J® •-- t0 certain points of the

A i CMjBI'liK jIli^*^ picture; thirdly, for the

'°'.'':4f ^•■T^ffijf^ff' '■ I^KnflB'llMI ?2&' '1 * Sa^e °^ arous^nS in those

jSfifiBBSgi&tEfc, rJWffijHWfT 'MBWrnWiBjg^P^, lffiW*/I i who look on the picture

j^g^p^^^^^^MB K . certain impressions and

»|^l^.j^mfflB When modern painters

introduce into their

^jBTllBiBMSfrS^^I^dB^^S^'a^BBH^BB^^ ^uB^^^^^^^^-'lalHte^l■! paintings the whole variety

and changeability of the
''j light of the gray day, and

MBftWIWIBilUiill < " "" • ' - succeed in changing the

surface of their canvas

rue de l'epicerie a rouen " by camille pissarro into space and depth;
