Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI issue:
No. 130 (January, 1904)
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Studio- Talk

Gallery, made a remarkable assertion of
his great gifts as a colourist and execu-
tant. The works he showed were not
so much representations of the custo-
mary views of Venice as cleverly treated
records of well-selected subjects found
in the less familiar nooks and corners
of the city. The artist had clearly been
guided in his choice of material by his
love of harmonious colour and sense of
picturesque form, and had painted
sympathetically the bits which had
attracted him in his wanderings. The
collection which resulted was delight-
fully spontaneous and unconventional,
and marked throughout by high tech-
nical qualities.

Mr. Charles Conder's decorative
paintings, landscapes, and sea pictures, fire dogs in cast brass designed by claude new

which have just been on view at
the Dutch Gallery, were in many
ways the best things he has so fat-
exhibited. The fans and paintings
on silk showed that his powers as a
decorator are steadily maturing and
gaining both in strength and subtlety;
and the more realistic studies of
nature proved that he is acquiring
a really sound understanding of the
essentials of his practice. The two
coast subjects, Ambleteuse, and Ait
Bord de la Mer, must be particularly
noted as broad, well-handled can-
vases, with much charm of colour
and truth of atmospheric suggestion.

Mr. S. Garstin Harvey gathered
recently in the Carfax Gallery a series
of water-colour drawings of Italian
subjects, which can be praised as
dainty achievements with more charm
of manner than usual. He appreci-
ates the quaintness and dignity of
Italian architecture, and he knows
well how to suggest the atmosphere of
the country without insisting unduly
upon trivial details. In addition to
the open-air studies, he showed a few
pencil drawings and a little water-
door-plate and knocker designed by claude new colour portrait of a young girl, which
