Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 73.1918

DOI Heft:
No. 301 (April 1918)
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The Committee formed under the chairman- tions in Palestine will form the subject-matter
ship of Sir John Lavery to obtain a characteristic of one or more instalments of the serial pub-
example of the work of Ivan Mestrovic for a lication now being issued by authority of the
public collection invites subscriptions to make Government under the title " British Artists at
up the amount already subscribed (£350) for the Front," as a sequel to Mr. Muirhead Bone's
the purchase of the relief in wood, Descent from War Drawings. The first instalment contains
the Cross, which has been chosen both as a the drawings of Mr. Nevinson, of which a few
fitting symbol of the measureless sacrifice of the were reproduced in a recent nurnber of this
Serbian race, and as representing one remarkable magazine. The originals of these, too, have
side of the Serbian sculptor's art. Contribu- been on exhibition in London—in this case at
tions may be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. the Leicester Galleries, whither they have drawn
Ernest H. Collings, 19 Ravenslea Road, London, an interested throng of visitors.
S.W. 12. --

At the same galleries Messrs. Brown and
The exhibition of War Photographs in Colour Phillips are showing a collection of paintings
now being held at the Grafton Galleries under by Mr. Frederic Whiting, whose work was the
the auspices of the Government will remain subject of an article in our issue of March 1914.
open till the end of April, and all who have not Mr. Whiting joined the Army shortly after the
seen it should seize an opportunity of doing outbreak of war, enlisting as a private in the
so. It is certainly the
most remarkable display
of the kind that has ever
been presented to the
public, not only because
of the unusual dimensions
of the photographs and
the vivid portrayal of in-
cidents in the campaign on
several Fronts, but more
particularty because of the
astonishing realism of the
colour effects.

The first series of draw-
ings sent home by Lieut.
James McBey as Official
Artist in Palestine, a selec-
tion from which we repro-
duced in a recent number,
has been supplemented by
a further interesting series
which includes the three
represented by the accom-
panying illustrations. The
originals have been on view
during the past few weeks
at the galleries of Messrs.
Colnaghi and Obach in New
Bond Street, where, it need
hardly be said, they have
attracted much attention.
As already announced, these •

j ' "the black watch guard at the church of the holy sepulchre, jeru-

official records of the opera- salem." from a drawing by james m«bey, official artist in Palestine