Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI Heft:
No. 311 (February 1919)
DOI Artikel:
Cooper, Winifred: Peasant life in central Russia
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Peasant Life in Central Russia

be at a safe distance from the houses, to mini- rhythmically to their repeated movements,

mize the risk of fire. Even so, fires are frequent Some of the women wear the older, more beauti-

in the summer, when the careless lighting of a ful dress distinctive of this district—full dark

cigarette may involve the destruction of a whole blue skirts of home-woven wool checkered with

village. red stripes, heavily banded with gold at the

The villagers themselves are extraordinarily hem, worn low on the hips over the thick linen

attractive, and their natural beauty is enhanced embroidered shirts. Brilliant kerchiefs protect

by the brilliance of their clothing. When they their heads from the sun.

are at work, the fields are a riot of vivid colour. In summer the peasant's working day is a

It is harvest-time perhaps, and the sun blazes long one, lasting from dawn till sunset. But

on the yellow rye. The man reaping with a they love the harvest and threshing seasons,

scythe wears a Russian shirt of red or blue The land the}7 work on is their own, and

cotton or of pale homespun linen and loose that. makes the work light. In the long

cotton trousers tucked into high boots. He is winter it is hard to remember the laughing

shaggy and bearded, good-tempered and un- harvest-fields. The earth disappears for about

communicative. Behind him, chattering and five months under an immeasurable expanse of

laughing as they gather the grain into sheaves, snow, and the frosts are intense. But Vania

come the women, gay in scarlet sarafans, which, wears his sheepskin coat, pulls a shaggy fur

pulled up through girdles tightly bound round cap well over his ears, thrusts his hands into

the hips, have a line of classical beauty. Their thick fingerless gloves, and his feet into high

linen shirts are richly embroidered ; coloured felt boots, and thus equipped can defy all the

aprons, fastened above the bosom, wave rigours of the climate. The coat, gloves, and

