Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI Heft:
No. 314 (May 1919)
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in the fissures of which the characteristic Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell, and Miss Marie O.
conifers and hard woods of this northern land Hewson, showed commendable work,
have found foothold. Treated in an essentially -----

decorative and non-literal manner, the effect In the black-and-white section the etchings
produced is nevertheless extraordinarily realistic, of Mr. F. S. Haines, a lithograph by Mr. A.

striking, impressive, and convincing. Lismer, drawings in colour by Mr. John John-

------ stone and Mr. Francis H. Johnston, respectively,

Another member of this group of painters, were of chief interest. The examples of sculp-

Mr. J. E. H. MacDonald, ture were few, but in-

of Toronto, contributed eluded an admirable por-

likewise pictures of con- ^^BHfc^. trait bust of Mr. W.

siderable vigour and ' Brymner, C.M.G., by

virility. Mr. Arthur Lis- / Mr. G. W. Hill, and an

mer's advance in power : interesting and well-felt

of expression was most composition, Bella

marked. He, too, is an JWwi - 'j***.^. , Matribus Detestata, by

artist of decided indi- _, —-^^ Mr. A. Laliberte.

viduality and of uncom- vv^Bfc - ^' ^' ^-

promising honesty. His w '

two pictures, Halifax ' ^ REVIEWS

War, and The Transport Raemaekers' Cartoon

Convoy, testified to his History of the War.

sense of design and to ' ffif- Compiled by J. Murray

his directness of method. , —**y -• ■> i■'. Allison. Vol.1. The

There were numerous A s , L |> First Twelve Months of

other landscape paint- \ , ** * the War. (London:

ings of interest. Mr. A L John Lane.) 12s. 6d.

(Private) J. L. Graham's "'ft' \ . net.—Though by this

Farmyard, Evening, was time the cartoons of

painted sympathetically " .^0 ' '*V, v ' Louis Raemaekers are

and with knowledge and V familiar to millions in

feeling. Mr. William ^d^VT, >' all parts of the world,

Brymner's October at _ -~ ^he reissue °f them in

Sainte-F amille was an an approximately his-

excellent example of the torical sequence will

work of this veteran bust of william brymner, c.m.g., r.c.a. serve a useful purpose

artist. Of Miss Mabel by g. w. hill, r.c.a. in brmgmg home once

May's four canvases one ^'al Ca"adia" Academv) more to those whose

enjoyed in particular memories need reviving

her Windy Day, a work full of movement and the terrible ordeal through which the free
life, representing a yacht race. Another young peoples of Europe have passed in contending
artist of great promise is Mr. John Johnstone, with Germany's ambitious designs. In this first
of Montreal, whose work has a certain vibrant volume the tragedy of Belgium looms large, and
quality, is extremely colourful, and is very it is significant of the artist's regard for truth
personal. Mr. Herbert S. Palmer's On the Hill- that his scathing exposure of German methods
top displayed sound craftsmanship and pleasing of dealing with the unhappy inhabitants was
atmospheric qualities. The President of the fully confirmed by the official reports on the
Academy, Mr. Homer Watson, exhibited four subject published after his cartoons had ap-
characteristic canvases ; and two very beautiful peared.

examples of the early work of Mr. J. M. Barnsley Handicrafts and Reconstruction. Notes by
were shown. Of the younger painters, Mr. F. S. Members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition
Haines, of Thornhill, Ont., Miss Una Brown, Society. (London: John Hogg.) 2s. 6d. net.—
