Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI Heft:
No. 311 (February 1919)
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Studio- Talk

showing at the Grafton Galleries a collection of
enlarged and coloured "photographs in which the
operations of the Dominion contingents during
the later stages of the campaign on the Western
Front are vividly shown. Among them are
some which are in a high degree impressive,
notably those relating to the occupation of
Cambrai after the city has been committed to the
flames by the retreating enemy. The exhibition
will remain open until February 26, and those
who have not seen this show would do well to
visit it while there is an opportunity.

After a connexion lasting fully forty years
Mr. Marcus B. Huish has relinquished his posi-
tion as managing director of the Fine Art
Society, and in his well-earned retirement he
carries with him the good wishes of innumerable
members of the artistic profession for the
advancement of which he has worked strenuously
and incessantly all through this long period.
Few men now living can claim such an exten-
sive acquaintance with celebrities of the later
Victorian era as Mr. Huish : Tennyson, Brown-
ing and Ruskin ; Leighton and Millais, Watts
and Whistler, Burne-Jones, Morris and Rossetti,
are a few of the departed great ones with whom
he came into personal contact at one time or
another ; and the list of eminent foreign artists

with whom he was acquainted include such
names as Meissonier, Cazin, Fantin, Detaille,
and Jules Breton. Mr. Huish, who has written
a great deal about art, and was for a time
editor of the "Art Journal," was originally
intended for the legal profession.

The Pastel Society's twentieth exhibition
was held as usual in the spacious galleries of the
Royal Institute last month, and presented much
the same aspect as previous exhibitions, not-
withstanding the absence of two or three
artists whose work has always of late given
additional interest to these displays. Among
other works which on this occasion gave tone to
the exhibition we mention Mr. Claude Shepper-
son's Russian ballet scenes ; Mr. J. Littlejohn's
Mill on the Doims ; Mr. Bernard Partridge's
two figure studies ; Mr. Terrick Williams's
Brixham Trawlers, Nightfall; the portrait and
figure studies in monochrome by the President
(Mr. Melton Fisher, A.R.A.), Mr. R. G. Eves, and
Miss Anna Airy; Mr. Lawrenson's Cave of Maz-
d'Azil; Mr. Wardle's Lioness; Mr. Reginald
Wilkinson's Peace and Nightfall; Mr. Harland
Fisher's dog study Buster ; Mr. Davis Richter's
Somersetshire Tithe Barn, and impressions of
Porlock; Mr. Lewis Baumer's Black Dress ;
and Mr. Duff's Curiosity.