Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI Heft:
No. 312 (March 1919)
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Studio- Talk

outlooks. But occasionally some artists grow tell were not capable of pictorial expression,
suspicious of the continued vitality of their old French artists say il faut etre logique and this is
inspirations and old methods, and feel that they perhaps the gist of it all. Norman Garstin.
have become worn out, while they themselves

have still the force and vitality to seek and A BERYSTWYTH. — We give here a

practise fresh ones. f\ reproduction of a tablet recently

- / \ erected at the University College of

Mr. Harold Harvey is an artist who is making *■ Wales in memory of the late Pro-

that gallant effort; and fessor of Celtic, in which

when one has the cour- _ the designer has em-

age and the capacity '1ST -^SSS^ r ~ "p-Sis.- ployed Celtic ornament

to adventure along a f _~~ with excellent effect.

new road, the least " ^ MWHPWWHkr^

that one's friends can l7..,^ b*£ "| EDINBURGH.—

say is bon voyage. Mr. , ... ^ ^ /^^^^^ CT~~| I | The ship

Harvey's later vision f _-.'fe'/^^p^ULJ^. model illus-

of the world is an in- j ' ^^^ITf^^^^^^p^ 1 —' trated on the
crcasingly brilliant one. 1 _S^U opposite page represents

and he has set it down if l^^ftN™1-*' '^lir^SPTfT a reconstruction, so far

with decision and dis- | '^11 ^811 w< F^fPpF' as it has been possible

tinction^; what he^ has to effect it, of the fa-

moving along'is a'deco- = . ^ ^'^^JiBr^BK | are ^6^^' the old

it possible to say that bB|H ^^jg^^^^^^ag^j sBl • details have been one

It is not easy in a jflHH designing the model,

few words to explain a H The actual construction

point that deserves very ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^■^■^^^^M of the model has been

careful expression — a carried out bv Mr. R.

/ _ memorial tablet in bronze and enamels. de- ^"-m^ "j

work of pictorial art is signed and executed for the university col- Patterson of Lasswade,
primarily decorative; if LEGE OF WALES- Aberystwyth, by dan r. jones who hag devoted prac_

it fails in that respect it tically all his time to

has lost its raison d'etre. But it surely has a deeper this kind of work, and has lent each model as

mission, it must say something to the heart as finished to the Royal Scottish Museum.

well as to the eye ; the relation of tones and co- -

lours, of lines and spaces, is not enough. A work Mr. J. L. Lawton Wingate, landscape painter,

of art must possess a human relation between the was in January unanimously elected to succeed

parts, or they cease to be comprehensible. The Sir James Guthrie as President of the Royal

drama of life is inevitable whether it is high tra- Scottish Academy, who retired in December,

gedy or low comedy. In other words, there is a The new president was born in Glasgow in

human story running through all that appeals to 1846, and began to exhibit when in his teens,

the human race and this story cannot be set at He became an Associate of the Royal Scottish

naught. The story-telling picture of the mid- Academy forty years ago. The Academy has

Victorian era did not err because it strove to followed the example of the Royal Academy in

tell a tale, it erred because it didn't succeed, London by appointing a Committee to give

it couldn't, because the stories they essayed to guidance on the subject of war memorials to
