Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI issue:
No. 313 (April 1919)
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Studio- Talk

compared veiy favourably with previous shows child from his home just outside Malines on the

of this society. The Club mourns the loss of Louvain road, a few hours before the arrival of

one of its leading members, Mrs. Nicholson, to the invading hordes. Leaving their home and

whose talent as a painter three pictures bore all their worldly goods at the mercy of the foe,

eloquent testimony. The display included a this little family found refuge at first near

fairly large number of interesting flower and Pitlochry, but the rigours of a Highland winter

still-life pieces, among which we noted especially proved too much for his health, and by the

those of Miss Ethel Sands, Miss Josephine interest and help of friends he succeeded in

Mason's Roses, and Miss Elsie Rowe's The finding an asylum in Glasgow. Here he has

Panelled Room. Some charming studies in child been able to enjoy social surroundings more

portraiture by Miss Margaret Gere; mural akin to those of his earlier associations and to

paintings by Miss Ethel Walker; a group of pursue his art, subject only to the necessary

sketches in wax by Mrs. Stabler; Miss G. M. restrictions affecting the movements of aliens.

Parnell's series of " Cheyne" figures ; pen- ---

and-ink drawings by While still living in

Miss Honor Duffes,___________ his little cottage at

woodcuts in colour by T~* ~~ ', 1 Pitlochry, Buskens ap-

Mrs. Austen Brown, plied himself to his

and a fascinating work and produced a

drawing by Miss Jessie . series of decorative

King called The ■ panels destined to

Haunted Wood were serve as friezes for

among other items of |§f two nurseries of a

interest. house in Edinburgh,

■ ■ - ! and thev are interest-

LASGOW.— ing as illustrating the

When war 1 influence of new sur-

broke over roundings on the mind

was lucky to escape ,, ,, interest to the com-

. j 1 "the clyde near carmyle. from a coloured

with his wife and wood-print by j. buskens position — all these

