Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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November 8. 1856.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. 189


"There's mist on the mountain acd night on the brae."

here's misled an amount,
ard the shareholders

And the Back has a name
that implies ii don't

The thousands, hard cast,
from its funds that we

Will be got back when kit-
tens do longer cry mew.
Then hullo ! hullo ! hul-
lo, Macgregor !


The Reman Catholic priests have long been celebrated for their
proficiency in vituperation, and some of the lead'Dg clergy of the
Anglican church have shown that they abo kn< w how to administer
abuse at need. It, is instructive to ste that the Dissenting teachers are
determined to assert, fqual rights to the endowments of Billingsgate.
The Congregational Union was to ha?e n.et at Cheltenham the other
day, but the state of feeling among the Ministers rendering so com-
bustible a convocation dangerous, the idea was abandoned, and we read
that a very distinguished schismatic, the Rev. Dr. Campbell, saw fit
to publish concerning that other shining light of dissent, the Rev. Db.
Binney, £:that there was no human being ia existence who could say
so much that was false, scutrilous, and malicious in the same amount,
of space." We have heard that the Bisbop op Exeter has written to
Dr. Campbell to say, that though the latter, not being a member of
the Church, is of course a blinded idiot on his way to perdition, still
From Tokenhouse Yard ' *,ne Bishop honours a man who endeavours to do his duty in Christian
the court's "messen- love and sitcerity, and should the Doctor be near Exeter the hospi-
cer" Jours, | talities of the Palace are at his service. Similar invitations are en

And the Five Branch De- route from Doctors Ctjllen and Wiseman, Mr. Punch is charmed to
partments no longer see luat; f^e Nonconformists, who are celebrated for their laudation of
are ours. °iy^ ant^ religious liberty, have learned to take liberties which are at

We're "bankrupts, bank-1 °Dce so religious and so civil,
rup's, bankrupt?,1
Htjgb Cameron.

They serve us with writs, and pursue us with beadles,
And wcvk through attorneys as sharp a? new needhs.

It's useless, useless, useless, Brown Humphrey.

While there's leaves in a "locked private ledger" so clever,
Mscgregob, and such like, may flourish for ever.
Then diddle! diddle! diddle! Defaulters.

From the garbage of London the Thames shall be clear,
The publican mix nothing nasty in beer,
And a note from old Napier be properly spelt,
Ere they get back the tin they allowed us to melt.
Then hooray, hooray, hooray, Insolvent,-.



It promises badly 'or liberty in Italy, when the people make idols of
singers, and forget all citizenship iu adoration of a Prima Donna,
Last year the Turinese worshipped Piccolomini; her cough in
Traviata, would stir them more than a trumpet. We now learn that
the lovely little lady who, in England, has boxed the ears of public
morality with such an enchanting grace that even morality does not
frown but giggle at the assault,—we now learn that Piccolomini is
dethroned in favour of anew Queen, one Signoba Virginia Bocca-
badats ! There are no such helps to Austria in Italy aslulian Prime
Donne. People who go frantic for music, are apt to be a little cool
upon freedom. In this way, how ofren in Italy has Liberty herself
oeen strangled with cat-gut!

A Lady arrayed in the height of existing fashion presents an interest- j
ing spectacle. Her dress, piled tier above tier, renders her an example j
of Beauty in tiers of muslin. This peculiar arrangement of female j
costume affords facilities for the introduction of a new pattern, which j
■would probably become popular. Each tier might be figured with |
representations of the portholes of a man of war, carrying gun--. Tuus
decorated with the semblance of decks, the little "ciatt" might sail
down upon the spectator with striking effect. In this nautical trim a
young lady might exhibit herself at a fancy dress ball in the character j
of the Saucy Arethusa—unless it may be objected that to come it, in j
Cockney phraseology, so strong as this, would be unsuitable to the
character of the weaker vessel.

(Advertisement.) •


—Pbofessoe McDooall, B.B., G.U.J.S.S.,* begs to acquaint the swell mobility, -^^lS4. ■' i ■ ' ■" ~ ^-^=f j|F

light-fingered gentry, and the hard-up pubiii general) _, that he continues 10 grv< 's"'*-~-L-^^fe^^-- -_ - -g^LLj--.-.^ ^-IJVw , —_ -^-Sj, . ' ,z .-.

instruct-on in the Art of Book-keeping, as applied to bubble-banks and other joint "

stock swindles. Having for some years devoted his most careful attention to the sub- [ ■=!=s=-=,i j!*lIzilBf^5 i2- y y^a^Vag===^£3BigaBg^^S^^^^^^^^fe-^'r--

ject, the Professor can with confidence recommend his system ' v i ! is (bunded p3fr-s=s=p.=>.----£3"-Sy::fy^:;^yr ~ J^ft^;,J"*fr§Z!r'ft-'"S''^K55^
nominally upon the Scotch, but differs from it widely in its integrity and principles j

as being at, once safe, simple, and effective. It is remark a1,hi. especially for the facUi- '^^g^^^^^S^^^^^^fe[j^^^^^^^^^^^^^1T

ties it offers for cooking the accounts, as it entirely prevents any possibility of checking ZZjjfcSLfifi^ "ff^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B:"7"

them. It allows, therefore, or overdrawing without danger of detection, and at Hie '=^^ss&&!^£3^^^s^B£, 1 ' ^LhilJ ICT^fitf".

same time offers most peculiar advantages to those who may avail themselves of this ^^llsllg^sgssniaf^ft^flil^ - - ^;;A:y^-^-y=hi-~-.

directors privilege, and may be afterwards accused of having fraudulently done so. - ^^SO^^SS JSaSffe1" -. r '^^jg§^-/Z- y< "TLlLr^

By its complete mystification of all matters of account, it will enable any so calumn; -^^^:±^-:A^g^y===^^V,,^5^v^^--j^StStf^l^js^^^pi^^sssSgEg-^-

ated person to declare that he was totally unconscious how his debit really stood, and s-^~ri ' ■

defy the most expert accountant to make out the contrary. in- >' ,,r gio-rai;.- --• j| j -'

moreover, from his personal experience, that no unpleasant consequences ever will ~~^===£yML'^iiBS^^S^

result from this or any other advantage of his system, the liability oi those who prac- '^^j'^^€Z—j^S!SlsB^=Mizir

tise it being strictly limited in all respects to the harmless jurisdiction of the civil -_J^z^=^^^S^:^^=f^^^^^^^^^===^.. . - . _ ..

To clerks of gentlemanly habits and expenses the Professor's System will be found —^ ~~—~------: " "

invaluable; as it will enable them, by the opportunities it affords for perquisites, to

live on a salary of a hundred a-year, in the style and at the r»t.a of at least a couple of " well, if ever I see SIC3 A fog AS THIS IN AIL MY born DAYS,

thousand. But it is to managers, perhaps, that the Professor's method will be found „ , , .„„

most advantageous, since it suffers them to do exactly what and whom they phase, and Wednesday, Oct. lytn, looo.

in short, confines their work to " working of the oracle." This operation is, however,______________

much facilitated by the Professor's plan of double-shuffle entry ; which, by the addition "'

of a private " little book " to those which are kept for public business and inspection, An TJtielishlM. ail's Tone,

greatly assists the Manager in all matters of subtraction, and enables him in any - & a

gamis'process 7hiCh b° thlQkS WiU DOt bea1' daylight't0 keep u Just as davk as a " These is something," sa.vs the profound Emerson, "in the very

0XTrthberCprarticuiars and terms of contract as to the division of the Swag, Apply tone of an Englishman's voice that has the ring of mediocrity." It

(anytime after night-fall) at the Professor's residence, Back Attic, 19J a, Convict's must be Confessed that the tone 01 ail American IS generally _ more

Rents, Seven Dials.—n.b. Don't knock loud. melodious. And wherefore ? Became it nearly always has in it the

* Blower of Bubbles, Getter Up of Joint Stock Swindles. ring of a dollar.
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