Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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(t 'TI/TR. PRESIDENT-ELECT, Ulysses Grant, of the United States of America, I congratulate you, Sir, and the
1V1 great American Nation, upon your election to the throne of King George Washington, and, in this goblet
of driest champagne, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy reign,” said Mr. Punch.

“ Festive cuss ! ” said General Grant, smiling

“ Your name, my Ulysses,” said Mr. Punch, pensively, “ appears to me to be of good augury for yourself' and

“ Defy omens.”

“ Man of brevity (which is the soul of wit), not to say of silence (which is golden), you are right.

And I, too, hold her General’s blade
Columbia’s omen and her aid.

Nathless, Odysseus, a pleasing coincidence meriteth notice. There be points in the history of your classic namesake
which a West-Pointsman will recal, and which somewhat adumbrate your own history.”

“ State ’em.”

“ Sir, thus. You did not desire to be employed in war, but like the King of Ithaca, when engaged, you showed
the utmost sagacity, activity, and valour.”

“ Too brown to blush.”

“ There is no need. Nextly, happier than some heroes, you were universally applauded by your countrymen, and
rewarded with the arms of Achilles ; that is, the most exalted military honour in the nation’s gift.”

“Good again!”

“ Ulysses, Sir, was famous in connection with the horse. He valiantly carried away the horses of Rhesus, and
he invented the horse that took Troy. I think, Sir, that you are a great authority in the matter of horses.”

“ Health, old hoss ! ”

“ Thanks. Then, Sir, in steering for the wished-for shore, I find that you stopped your ears to all Siren blan-
dishment, did your best to prevent Wind-bags from blowing your vessel wrong, and escaped safely from republican
Scylla and democratic Charybdis.”

“ Classic cuss!”

“ Again, Sir, I find in your peculiarly wise dealing with the shoals of hungry beggars for office, the antitype of
j Ulysses smashing the Suitors.”

“ Blow ’em ! ”

“ Further, Sir, you have given a lesson to the Cyclops, or one-eyed people, who can see but one side of a
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