Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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September 12, 1868.]





Aunt [who, as a rule, can't bear tobacco). “You know, Harry, I Harry has a Nap after the Second Pipe, and is treated to
don’t like Smoking in the Dining-Room ; but as you enjoy a an expiring Shower of the Old Lady’s Enemies.

Pipe, I have had a Chair put for you in the Conservatory.”


“ Sic transit gloria !”

Troja fuit !

The Colosseum in the Regent’s Park, one of the seven wonders of
the world, and so called from being at one time the residence of the
Colossus of Rhodes, has been dismantled, and all its properties have
been brought to the hammer, for the use of anyone who would pay on
the nail.

I remember, I remember.

When I was a little boy.

How I came home in December
My fond parents to annoy.

But my pretty maiden Aunty
Was kind and gave to me
A sort of show galanty,

A funny thing to see.

At the Panorama great I’m
Looking back with sad delight,

It was London Seen by Day-time,

It was London Seen by Night.

But it suited no one’s coffers
On the selling afternoon.

And I heard of no great offers,

Por old Mister Bradwell’s “ Moon.”

A statue of King Wil-li-am
The Pourth was then knocked down,

I weep—perhaps I silly am—

The bid was half-a-crown.

The auctioneer declined to let
It go for next to nix,

But took the highest he could get—

It fetched just one-pound-six.

I remember I was taken
By my aunt’s peculiar cabby,

Por to hear the rafters shaken
By the Choir in the Abbey.

Nor the service, nor Te Deum,

Nor the sights of Christmas time,
Could approach the Colosseum,
Save, perhaps, the Pantomime.

Sir Robert Peel, ten feet in height,
From pedestal to nob,

’Twas stone or marble, purely white,

It fetched—ah, me !—ten bob.

The end— five pounds or under
Bought a lot which all ears dinned,

“ Three Rain Barrels and One Thunder,’
“ Then Two Crashes and One Wind.”

J remember, I remember,

All those Ruins in the grounds.

And the classic broken pillars

(Sold for something like three pounds.)
And the statues ! One of Jason
Was a noble work of art;

They were knocked down to a mason,
Who removed them in his cart.

Pit ending, awful, fright’ning !

Por the place now gone to smash.
Stricken down by resin-lightning,
And the iron thunder-crash.

But sunk in thunder-crashes
It lies on Regent’s plain ;

Like a Phoenix from its ashes,

Shall it evor rise again ?
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