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[July to December, 1868.

Vol. LV.]



2 The Bristol Election Committee’s Report.—See

“Essence of Parliament,” p. 2 [Thursday.)

3 A Beautiful Being. — Eor Madame Rachel and
“ Beautiful for Ever ” see “ Notes ” to last volume, p. 277.

12 Peel’s Ghost.—See “Essence of Parliament,” p. 2


15 j Athletics at Westminster. ) The Lords had thrown out

24 l A “ Derry ” Down Ditty. ) hy alarge majority Mr.
Gladstone’s Bill for suspending appointments in the Irish
Church. See “ Essence of Parliament,” p. 19 {Monday).

20 The Queen's Breakfast Party.—Evening dresscoat
and morning trousers were en regie for the Queen’s party
at Buckingham Palace.

9o An Alderman on the An- j See “Essence of Parlia-

22 ) tique. > ment,” p. 24 {Tuesday).

( Alderman Lusk. '

26 A Change for the Better {Cartoon).—One of many re-
ferences to an order by Sir, Richard Mayne, then Chief
Commissioner of Police, for the compulsory muzzling of
dogs, and the seizure by the police of those found at large
in the streets unmuzzled. It was finally'withdrawn in the

27 Great Lion Show, 1868 {Cartoon).—The “ Royal Lion”
was the Duke of Edinburgh, home from Australia, and
recovered from the wound dealt him by a Fenian assassin;
the “Abyssinian Lion ” was Lord Napier of Magdala,
who had been welcomed back to England with great
applause on account of his success in Abyssinia.

31 Nothing=0.—There had been an Aeronautical Exhibi-

tion, at which flying machines were shown, at the Crystal
Palace. Peter Wilkins is the hero of a fictitious narrative
published more than a hundred years ago, in which some
wonderful feats in the air are recorded.


A Lay of Leicester Forest.—The Royal Agricultural 56
Society held their annual meeting this year at Leicester.

The Modern Dick Turpin {Cartoon).—See “The Direc- 70
tor’s Opera,” p. 79. Railway Amalgamation Schemes were
at this time afoot, by which it was thought the public would
be sufferers either through diminished accommodation or
increased fares.

■ Conference to Pusey. s Dr. Pusey had written a 87

Rejected Addresses. ( letter to the Wesleyan 91

Contradiction of a Matri- l Conference (Rev. Dr. 96
monial Hoax. ’ Jackson, president) in-

viting that body to join himself and other members of the
University of Oxford in resisting a Bill then before Parlia-
ment for throwing open the Universities to all creeds and
denominations ; and propounding a plan of his own for the
establishment of new colleges for those who were not mem-
bers of the Church of England. Conference decided not to
deal with the subject “ for the present.”

^ Another Eclipse for India) This volume contains
\ {Cartoon). / many references to Mr.

'-Eclipse in India. ' Disraeli’s selection of ^

the Earl of Mayo (Chief Secretary of Ireland, formerly
Lord Naas), for the great office of Governor-General of
India, in succession to Lord Lawrence, an appointment
which, at the time, gave rise to unfavourable criticism. (The
natives of India had shown much terror at the recent eclipse
of the sun.)

Ominous name for a Race-course.—The name of the 104
course at York.

A Dress Rehearsal {Cartoon).—Mr. Bright, in the 111
following December, did become a Cabinet Minister and
Privy Councillor, and was presented to the Queen, on
taking the oaths of office.

35 French and English Plays.—La Grande Puchesse, a
somewhat notorious French comic opera, which had a great
run when transferred to London. In the English version
of it at the Olympic, Mrs. Howard Paul played the part
of the Grand Duchess.

35 A Sors Horatiana.—The allusion is to the Rev. G.
NGG^E, Yicar of Wymering, a prominent Ritualist.

38 Only Natural.—The reference is to Sir Henry
Storks, the newly-appointed Controller of the Army.

39 The Rats in Council {Cartoon).—As to the Bribery
Bill, see “ Essence of Parliament,” p. 24 {Monday), and p.
41 {Tuesday).

45 Poetry or Doggerel?—Professor Henry Morley
had sent to the Times an epitaph which he had found written
and subscribed “ J. M.” on a blank leaf in the British
Museum copy of Milton’s “ Poems, both English and
Latin,” (1645), and which he considered to be by Milton.
This was much questioned by other competent judges.
See “Essence of Parliament, p. 51 {Friday).

49 The “ Clerk of the Weather” wakes up St. Swithin.
—The summer of 1868 was excessively hot and dry.

54 Off! Off!—The “Cancan” was an indecorous French
dance, which had been imported into our theatres.

Cab Strike,

Driving through an Act


because only certain privileged cabs were allowed on the
stands inside the stations for the accommodation of arriving
passengers. The strike was very complete, but the cabmen
were obliged to yield without gaining their point, and the
strike ended on the 10th of the month.

Queer Taste.—Henri Conscience is a distinguished 127
Flemish novelist.

< Ad Imperatorem. ) La Lanterns was a weekly 128

(LaLanterne. ) publication issued in 133

Paris by the French journalist, Henri Rochfort, in which
he attacked the rule of the Emperor Napoleon. No. 11
was seized by the police, and La Lanterne was afterwards
published at Brussels, and clandestinely introduced into

(Heyday! Haydock! ) Refer to some extrava- 129

i Haydock and Harvest. ) gant Ritualistic pro- 130

ceedings in the shape of Harvest Thanksgiving processions
and services at Haydock, Lancashire. A pig’s head, dressed
| out with flowers, corn, &c., was one of the “ offerings ” pro-
I sented in the church.

SThis time the cabmen’s
complaint was against
the Railway Companies,
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