Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Wednesday.—House adjourned at Three this morning'. Met again
at Noon, or should have met, but couldn’t get forty men till One
j o’Clock. Have written to one of the Factory Inspectors. Get him to
I come down and see how many hours we work, and then shall enter
upon prosecution. Not sure whom to prosecute. Think I ’ll try the
] Speaker. Bradlaugh didn’t make much out of Sergeant-at-
Arms when he went for him. Speaker sure,to say he can’t help it;
but can’t hear these personal pleadings. If it isn’t him it’s somebody
| else. Every respect for Mr. Peel, hut law must be vindicated.

Church Patronage under discussion this afternoon. Luther Me-
lanchthon Labouchere gave his views on Church Reform, going to
root of matter in pleasantly direct way. Incidentally mentioned that
whilst not desirous of prolonging existence of State Church, didn’t
particularly love landlords. They also to be swept away. Man of
singular directness of mind, Mr. Labouchere. Would have made a
figure in Paris in 1789-82.

Business done.—Church Patronage Bill read Second Time and
referred to Select Committee.

Thursday.—Serious business at Question-time. Gladstone in
incautious moment recklessly challenged accuracy of statements by
Ashmead-Bartlett. This of course can’t go unnoticed.

“ If there’s one thing I pride myself upon,” Ashmead says, “ it is
perfect accuracy on matters of detail.”

Questions over, Ashmead rose. Loud cheers from Conservatives.

“I suppose,” said Chaplin, with air of disgust, “he’s going to
put some more of his questions.”

“Not at all,” said Cavendish Bentinck, who had been cheering
till his astonished hair stood straight up, and surveyed the scene
in search of cause for the turmoil. “Not at all. lie’s going for
| Gladstone. Hear ! hear ! hear ! ”

“Oh, that’s another thing!” said Chaplin. “Hear! hear!
hear! hear!”

Ashmead’s bearing of unusual solemnity. Not accustomed to be
■ cheered in this way. Recognition come at last. Not surprised at it,
but must bear himself calmly in hour of triumph. When Ashmead
sat down, Premier discovered excitedly holding out right hand.

I! “No no,” said Ashmead, shaking his head with stern resolution.

“He must apologise first. Bear him no enmity. Can well under-
stand he would rather have me as friend than enemy ; but before
I shake hands with him he must make the amendy honorahble.”

“It’s your papers he wants, man,” said Macparlane.

“Oh!” said Ashmead, a little crestfallen. Walked across the
floor, and gave Premier his manuscript. Premier couldn’t read
it, so Ashmead sat beside him on Treasury Bench, and pointed out
quotation. Quite touching picture to see the two great men thus
hobnobbing. Truce only temporary. Ashmead scarcely safe hack in
seat, when Premier opened tire, shrivelling up Ashmead, and
blacking his Eye.

Truthful James looked on with keen delight. “We must keep
this going.” he said, and rose with genial intention of casting oil
over spreading flames. But Speaker ruled him out of order, and he
subsided. “ Regular marplot,” Jimmy muttered. “ Spoilt best bit of
fun offered for months,”

Got through Franchise Bill by Ten o’Clock. ^ At Eleven, leaving
few old fogies to discuss Customs and Inland Revenue Bill, House
adjourned to Smoking-Room. Labby got up little entertainment with
Stuart Cumberland. Gladstone came along and joined in sport.
No one, to see him with his legs on table, long clav pipe in mouth,
hat tilted on back of head, and pot of Qmndy-gaft at his elbow, would
have recognised in him the magnificently wrathful man who six
hours earlier had eaten up Ashmead-Bartlett.

Entertainment very successful; mean to have a series. Two end-
men Christy Minstrels engaged for next Thursday. Arrangements
for Thursday week not yet settled. Either he Toole in Paw Claw-
dian or David James in Reminiscence of Middleioick.

Business done.—Franchise Bill passed through Committee.

Friday.—Rosebery takes the floor in Lords to-night. Calmly
states opinion that House is capable of improvement. At very time
Peers preparing to throw out Reform Bill in other House, here ’s a
young Earl, who’s been travelling in America, Australia, and other
iow countries, suggesting that they shall reform themselves ! Cold
shudder ran through House. By two Divisions, Motion emphati-
cally dismissed. Strathnairn so overcome that twice in suc-
cession voRd in wrong Lobby.

Business done. Sunday Closing Bill talked out in Commons.
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