Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Jonb 28, 1890.]



After "The May," 297
After the Review, 174
All for the Sake of the Army, 98
All in Play, 229

Among the Amateurs, 11, 25, 52
" Ana," 37

Another " Competitive," 96
Another of Robert's Xstrornerry Adwcn-
tnrs, 99

Another Title for the Guide to the Exhi-
bition at the New Gallery, 27

Answers to Correspondents, 9, 13, 57, 05,
169 '

■Arry on Equality, 85

Art of Blacking Boots (The), 264

" Ask a P'liceman 1" 291

Ask a White Man ! 280

Astral Complication (An), 117

At his Mayerjesty's, 293

At Sea in an Easter Egg-shell, 170

At the Porte St. Martin, 33

Au Revoir! 73

Autocrat (The), 254

Avenue Theatre, 89

Babe o' Grace (A), 186

"Baby Bung," 234

Back to Backs, 291

Ballad of Evil Speed (A), 3

Ballad of the Earl's Breeks (The), 273

Basta, Paster I 169

Beer, 268

"Big Gun I" (The), 114

Bitter Cry of the London Rider Hacsaid

and Jaded, 268
Boat-Hace Vision (A), 147
" Britons never will be Slaves ! " 54
Buffalo Bill and Leo Pope, 124
Bullying poor " Bully," 202
Burglar's Back (The), 13S
Busy (J.) B. (The), 2
Calls for the Public Prosecutor ? 47
Captain of the " Paris " (The), 63
Chant for the College of Surgeons (A), 1S5
Chapter of Dickens up to Date (A), 244
Charles the First, 243
Children's Fancy Dress Ball (The), 201
Comic Slaughter, 136
Coming Big Bore (A), 35
Conversation Manual, 233
" Counting the Chicks," 42
" Country and Duty," 258
Court Napping, 213
Covent Gardening Prospects, 135
Cry of the City Children (The), 123
Curious Cure (A), 28
"Cut off the Joint" (A), 186
Dares and Entellus, 14
Daubigny in Bond Street, 102
Derby Disappointments, 270
Developing Hawarden, 277
Diag-nose-is of Wine (A), 97

Diana at Dinner, 303

Diary of a Jolly Party, 47

Disclaimer (A), 113

Ditty of the Dagger (The), 38

Divorce Shop (The), 18

" Dose of ' Gregory' " (A), 113

" Dot and go One," 5

" Doubtful I" 270

Dropping the Pilot, 155

Dunraven, 162

Early Green Peas, 264

East-ern Art in Bond Street, 117

Echo from the Lane (An), 201

Eight Hours Only, 217

Elcho Answers, 282

" Embarrassing i " 267

" English, you know, quite English," 137

Epidemiological, 63

Essence of Parliament, 88, 94, 106, 112,
131, 143, 155, 167, 178, 204, 216, 227, 232,
252, 256, 287, 292, 304

Eventful Week (An), 111

Exchelsior ! 274

Exit in Fumo, 186

Fable, for Fanatics (A), 203

Farthing Novel Series (The). 105

Fifty Years of Railway Progress, 96

Finishing Touch (The), 66

First Appearance of the Swiss-Back Rail-
way, 183

First Fight (The), 231

First Roze of Summer (The), 255

" Fishing Interrogatory " (A), JP5

" Fish out of Water" at Greenwich, 50

Five o Clock Tea Bonnet Company, 264

For the Sake of the Empire, 41

" For this Relief, much thanks I" 147

Fortunate and Economical, 101

French Gallery (The), 159

From the Zoo, 87

Ghostless Boston, 101

" Gift Horse " (The), 162
Given away with a Pound of Tea ! " 306

Going too Fast, ii03

Gold tipped Cigarettes, 72

"Good Old Grace I" 277

Grand Old Billee, 111

Grand Old Hat (The), 187

Grandolph Goodfellow, 218

" Grandolpho Furioso I" 138

Grandolph's Latest, 102

Grandolph's Logic, 184

Great Gunn (A), 309

Great Lincoln Trial Stakes (The), 119

"Grenadiers to the Front I " 125

Hare Apparent (The), 310

" Harlowe there I " 123

Harmless Ghost, 287

Harrow or Hanver? 306

He can't Alp it! 138

" Her Majesty's Opposition, 17

Historical Parallels, 6

Holiday Catechism, 25, 37

How I Welcomed Stanley, 215

How to make the Most of it, 75

How to Meet it, 53

How we do Business now, 133

Hypnotic High Feeding, 202

Ideal Interviewer (An), 310

" I '11 call thee Hamlet," 135

Imperial Socialist (The), 74, If 8

Incantation Scene (The), 90

Interesting Novelty, 195

In the Know, 184, 201, 215, 217, 229, 251,

263, 267, 279, 305
In the Lane, 181

In the Name of Charity—Go to Prison !

" In the Name of the Law 1" 201
Irish Question in Bond Street (The), 35
Japanese Belle (A), 17
" Johnnykin and the Goblings," S9
Journal of a Rolling Stone, 1
Jubalee Performance (A), 123
Jubilee of the Penny Post (The), 28
Justice at High Pressure, 16
Justiss for the Pore, 133
"Just to oblige Benson," 3
Kicked, 41, 53, 69, 77
" Killaloe Dam Gone," 23
Killing for a Shilling, 83
L'Abbe In-Constantin Parsonifled, 185
Ladies' Year (The), 309
Last Charge of the Light Brigade (The),

Last of the Bacilli (The), 220

Law and the Liver (The), 195

Learning by Art, 173

Le Kick-balie Fight, 105

" Le Kicke-Ball in France," 129

L'Enfant Terrible I 222

Le 'Ockey Stick-Balle Fight, 294

"Le Petit Due," 86

"Le Sport" in Bouverie Street, 161

Lines on the Labour Conference, 137

Lion's Diary (The), 17

Little Due and his Big Bill (The), 119

London County Council and the Lyceum

Theatre (The), 109
London for the Londoners, 30
Look at Home, 186
Luxury of Pantomime (The), 65
Madame Diogenes, 134
Master Singers, 120
" May Fare Work I " 141
Measures and Men, 221
Menu-Betting, 51
Mid-day Meal-lenniuih (A), 261
Mid-Winter Night's Dreim (A), 12
Modern Cornelia (The), 299
Modern Hercules and the Pygmies (The),


Modern Types, 89, 101, 120, 124, 136, 148,

160, 177, 192,(20S, 220, 249, 285, 301
" Montagu ] a Montagu ! " (A), 24
More about Talleyrand, 275
More Glory, 57
" More Light! " 51
More Masquerading, 287
More Novelties, 20S
More to Follow, 126
Mr. Gladstone's Letters, 65
Mr. Punch's Dictionary of Phrases, 141,

148, 167, 173, 191, 196, 206, 218, 238, 255,

276, 280, 291, 301
Mr. Punch's Moral Music-Hail Dramas, 4,

24, 60, 64, 70, 88, 100, 121, 145, 193, 205,


Mr. Punch's Proverbs up to date, 213

Musical Anticipation (A), 30

Musical Notes, 107

Muzzled and Puzzled, 26

" My Curate," 157

Mystic Letters (The), 23

My Tailor, 117

Naval Intelligence, 171

Nellie at the Sodgeries, 244

Nell of Chelsea (The), 225

New Amazon (The), 143

New Dance of Death (The), 206

New Gallery Novelties, 23S

New Tune (The), 62

North Walls (The), 13

Notes " in Globo," 114

Nothing New, 18

" Not such a Fool as he Looks," 2<6

Novel Advice from Lincolnshire, 177

Novel with a Purpose (A) 270

" Nuts " for the Coal Trade, 225

Ode on a Black Ball, 137

Odds on the Bedmakers, 221

Old Bond Street Galleries (The), 156

Old Colds for New, 33

Old Friends and Counsel, 114

Old, Old Story (The), 39

Old Times Revived, 190

Omnibusiness, 131

One Too Many for Him, 294

Only Remedy (The), 183

On the Spot, 277

On the Swoop 1 196

Opera-goer's Diary (The), 2:3, 2J7, 209,
281, 293, 305

"O rare 'Ben'!" 143

Our Advertisers, 161, 189, 229

Our Booking-Offlce, 10, 16, 57, 63, 75, 93,
102, 111, 125,141, 165, 173, 189, 203, 210,
221, 231, 249, 262, 275, 293, 309

Our New Duke, 261

Our Turn Now, 49

Out and About, 250

Page from a Diary (A), 51 ,

Page from an Imperial Note-book (A), 160



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Sambourne, Linley
um 1890
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1880 - 1900
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>
Gruß <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 98.1890, Index, S. 311