Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 13, 1892.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. 83


Gertrude. "You never do anything now, Margaret, but go to all sorts of Churches, and read those old Books of
Theology. You never used to be like that." Margaret. "How can I help it, Gerty ?—I'm writing a Popular Novel!"


A Song of Convalescence after Influenza.
By an Impatient Patient,
Air—•" Beware ! "

"1 feel as well as well can be!"—

Take care !
La Grippe's deceptive dontcher see,

Beware! Beware !

Trust it not,
'Twill be fooling thee;

It's just three weeks since I was " down ! "-

Take care !
" I 'm wanted very much in town."

Beware ! Beware ! 1 our Pulse lsJet tw? bf,ats to° ,slow

" Too long yon pillow us and pill us! "—

Take care !
You don't half know that blarmed bacillus.

Beware ! Beware!

Brave it not,
Twill be flooring thee!

"The fever's gone, the aches seem van-
Take care ! [ished."—

They come back when you think 'em

"Tush! Taking Care's the awfullest

Take care!
For " Complications " punish hurry.
Beware! Beware!
Resist him not,
"Who 'd be ruling thee !

Keep warm indoors, take lots of rest.
Take care !

banished. That of all counsels is the best.

Beware! Beware!
Trust 'em not.
They '11 be dodging thee !

Oh, come, I say, look here, you know !
Take care !

Bun no risk,
'Tis humbugging thee!

" I feel all right,—as well as you! "—

Take care !
What feeling tells you is not true !

Beware! Beware !

Pneumonia waits
To be nipping thee!

" You Doctors are such funny chaps ! "—

__r Take care !

We know the dangers of Relapse.

Beware ! Beware !

Flout me not,
I'm not foolina- thee !

Beware: Beware
Trifle not,
Sense is schooling thee !

"Three weeks have I been on my back ! "—

Take care !
You don't want to renew the rack.

Beware! Beware!

East winds are out,
They '11 be cooling thee !

" It is a beast of a complaint! "—
Take care !

Don't storm ! Your pulse is fluttering, faint.
Beware ! Beware!
Worry not,
Think of syncope !

Beware! Beware!
Out f Cert'nly not!
For two weeks—or three !

[Left fuming.

"On the Sly."—The name of Mr. J. E.
Sly was mentioned in the World last week
as a candidate for the office of High Bailiff
of the City of London Court. Quite a
Shakspearian name is Sly. "Look in the
Chronicles," quoth Christopher of that ilk,
"We came in with Richard Conqueror."
We drink success to him in " a pot of the
smallest ale" and "Let the World slip,"—
whether it did slip or not, the event will
prove,—" We shall ne'er be younger."

"Charles, His Friends."-—The Gentle-
men who sought to adorn King Charles's
statue with wreaths on the 30th January, are
not to be beheaded. Like the White Rose
League, their Jacobark is worse than their
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